Рефераты по иностранным языкам

12 подвігаў Геракла

26 Октября 2011, реферат

Гераклу нядоўга прыйшлося чакаць першага даручэнні цара Эврисфея. Ён даручыў Гераклу забіць немейского льва. Гэты леў, спароджаны Тыфона і дзіўная, быў жахлівай велічыні. Ён жыў каля горада Немеи і спусташаў ўсё наваколле. Геракл смела адправіўся на небяспечны подзвіг. Прыбыўшы ў Немею, адразу адправіўся ён у горы, каб адшукаць логвішча льва. Ужо быў поўдзень, калі герой дасягнуў схілаў гор. Нідзе не відаць было ні адной жывой душы: ні пастухоў, ні земляробаў. Усё жывое збегла з гэтых месцаў у страху перад жахлівым ільвом. Доўга шукаў Геракл па лясістым схілах гор і ў цяснінах логвішча льва, нарэшце, калі ўжо сонца пачало схіляцца на захад, знайшоў Геракл у змрочным цясніну логвішча; яно знаходзілася ў велічэзнай пячоры, якая мела два выйсця

A Mother's Love essay

27 Ноября 2011, реферат

Nothing can come close to the love that a mother feels for her children. Most women are inherently excellent mothers. Women carry their young before they are born and then continue to nurture them throughout their childhood and even into adulthood. Mothers make sure that their children are safe and happy throughout their childhood. It is the unconditional love that a mother feels that drives these feelings. It is hard to describe the feeling that a mother has towards her children. In fact, most people do not understand unless they become a mother themselves. Raising children comes with its own share of frustration

A Short History of Computers and Computing

21 Ноября 2012, реферат

One of the earliest machines designed to assist people in calculations was the abacus which is still being used some 5000 years after its invention.
In 1642 Blaise Pascal (a famous French mathematician) invented an adding machine based on mechanical gears in which numbers were represented by the cogs on the wheels.

A Trip by Train

25 Февраля 2011, доклад

Mr. Forman likes driving; one the other hand, thought, he likes his glass of beer. Grandma and Grandpa prefer travelling by car too, but the whole family can’t feet into their four-seater. Mrs. Forman enjoys coach tours, but only the two children, Jack and Mary, like going places by bus. So in the end they usually settle for the train.

A.Bakıxanov - Gülüstani-İrəm

05 Мая 2012, реферат

[İstinad: Burada və başqa yerlərdə qoyulan nöqtələr tarixi əhəmiyyəti olmayan hissələrin mətndən çıxarıldığını göstərir. Mətndə mötərizə içərisində verilən izahat və əsərə əlavə edilən bütün qeydlər redaktor tərəfindən yazılmışdır.] Təbiətimiz hər şeydən artıq tarixə maildir. O, hadisələrdən başqa əfsanələrə də talibdir. Bu elm (tarix) insanı gözəl əxlaqlı və bilikli edir, ona dolanacaq və yaşayış işlərini öyrədir. Buna görə, onu mənəvi elmlərin qiymətlilərindən hesab edib demək olar: tarix hökümsüz və zülmsüz elə bir hökmrandır ki, bütün Adəm övladı onun əmrlərinə boyun əyməkdədir. Onun təlim məktəbində dünyanın müəllimləri əlifba oxuyan bir uşaqdırlar... Tarix elə bir danışmayan natiqdir ki, sələflərin vəsiyyətlərini bütün təfsilat və təriflərilə xələflərə bildirir, ehtiyac və rifah səbəblərini, tərəqqi və tənəzzül yollar

Accents of English outside UK and USA

18 Апреля 2011, доклад

Our project is aimed to tell about different accents of English, especially about Australian and New Zeland English and to show the differences between them. We intend to explain how Australian and New Zeland sounds are produced and to show how it influences the meaning of words and expressions and cause misunderstanding. To begin with we should realize what the term “accent” is. For example Peter Roach writes in his “Little encyclopedia of phonetics”:

Accentual structure of English

24 Ноября 2011, курсовая работа

In this course paper we shall treat some problems of accentual structure. . According to D.Crystal the terms "heaviness, sound pressure, force, power, strength, intensity, amplitude, prominence, emphasis, accent, stress" tend to be used synonymously by most writers. According to G.P. Torsuev the notions “stressed” and “prominent” should not be used synonymically. The effect of prominence is created by some phonetic features of sounds which have nothing to do with word or sentence stress.

Actiunea campului magnetic asupra curentului

02 Января 2011, реферат

Pentru a exprima cantitativ proprietaţile câmpului magnetic va trebui să definim o mărime fizică vectorială. Noua mărime fizică, notată cu simbolul , se numeşte inducţie magnetică.
Direcţia vectorului inducţie magnetică într-un punct al câmpuli este tangentă la linia de câmp magmetic în acel punct, iar sensul este acelaşi cu al liniei de câmp.Pentru a defini modulul inducţiei magnetice, vom porni, ca şi în cazul câmpuli electric, de la studiul acţiunii pe care o exercită câmpul asupra corpului de probă. Drept corp de probă vom considera un conductor rectiliniu mobil, parcurs de curent electric.


11 Марта 2012, реферат

Aerosmith is an American rock band, sometimes called as "The Bad Boys from Boston". Their style includes elements of pop, heavy metal, and rhythm and blues. It has inspired many rock artists. The band was formed in Boston, Massachusetts in 1970.

Agatha Mary Clarissa, Lady Mallowan

04 Апреля 2012, биография

English writer, "the queen of detective". Agatha Christie was born on September 15, 1890, in Torquay , Devon, England. Agatha education, early lost his father, my mother worked. In 1914 she married Archibald Christie pilot (Colonel Archibald Christie). During the First World War, Agatha Miller worked as a nurse in a military hospital, studied pharmacology. At the same time, in between duty, began to write detective stories. In her own words, write Agatha started from a simple imitation of his sister, already published in the journal.

American and British Differences

26 Октября 2011, доклад

Текст: Сходства и различия Британского английского и Американского английского языков

American Business Etiquette

15 Марта 2012, доклад

интересные факты о Американском этикете и культуре.

An independent, available and vigilant Board of Directors

29 Декабря 2010, реферат

The L'Oréal Board of Directors is a collegial body which collectively represents all the shareholders, and is bound by obligation to act in the best interests of the company in all circumstances. At the end of 2008, the Board of Directors considered that the recommendations of the Afep-Medef Code of December 2008 were in line with L'Oréal's corporate governance approach. This Code is therefore used by the company as its reference when drawing up the Chairman's Report on the conditions in which the Board's work is prepared and organised.

Analysis of the fragments from ‘The Passionate Year’ by James Hilton

19 Февраля 2012, творческая работа

This story is about a young teacher Kenneth Speed (who is the central character) who came to work in Millstead Boarding school for boys. The author tells us about his first work day. In this school students had a custom to rag at a new teacher during the prep. Speed was very nervous when he came to class. The author expressed his nervous condition by the epithets: «nervous», «an atmosphere of subdued expectancy», «keenly conscious» and simile: «as if he were sitting on a powder-magazine» to express the emotional state of the main character.

Analysis of the text From W.S

23 Января 2013, практическая работа

The text under study was written by outstanding British writer, Leslie Poles Hartley (30 December 1895 – 13 December 1972). He is known for novels and short stories. His best-known work is The Go-Between (1953), which was made into a 1970 film. Hartley was born in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire, where he lived with his parents. He was educated at Harrow and Balliol College, Oxford. It`s important to say that he was a fiction reviewer more than twenty years. So we can find critical remarks in his works toward writers and himself.

Analysis of the text “Ragtime”

25 Марта 2013, доклад

The text under analysis was taken from the book Ragtime written by Doctorow. American author, who is published in over thirty languages. He is famous for his novels “Welcome to hard times”, “the book of Daniel”, “Ragtime”
The theme of the story is the relations between two people and forgiveness. The action takes place in America in 19 century.

Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987)

25 Декабря 2012, реферат

Andy war ein amerikanischer Grafiker, Künstler, Filmemacher und Verleger sowie Mitbegründer und bedeutendster Vertreter der amerikanischen Pop Art. Seine Karriere begann bereits in den 1950er Jahren als Illustrator für Mode-, Hochglanz- und Lifestylemagazine.
Eines der bekanntesten Werke aus dieser Zeit dürfte wohl die Abbildung eines Kinostandbildes aus dem Film Niagara mit Marilyn Monroe sein, das Warhol über Jahre hinweg in vielen Farbvariationen verarbeitete.

Art is the best part of cultural live of Great Britain and Russia, isn’t it?

17 Октября 2011, реферат

Culture - the customs beliefs, art, music and the other products of human thought made by a particular group of people at a particular time . This definition gives the Longman Dictionary of English language and culture. Culture results in activity of a man, buildings, art, and law, moral. It is competence, ability, intellect, world outlook (philosophy), intercourse of people, traditions and customs.

Artificial Intelligence

24 Декабря 2011, доклад

Artificial Intelligence (AI) - this is an experimental discipline
whose task - reconstruction of reasonable arguments and actions
using artificial devices. Applied aspect of AI includes a computer
solution of problems without an explicit algorithmic solution, at
times - with fuzzy goals. It is often used "human" ways of solving
such problems. Scientific aspect of AI concerns explain the
workings of natural intelligence and simulation tasks by man.

Asian states

27 Июля 2011, доклад

The development of the world always was constructed on balance between two parts: leading countries and followed ones. Historically European states considered to be quite developed in comparison to Asian states. For example: democracy firstly arose in Europe and only nowadays in Asian countries the idea of democracy is considered by the state governments. Talking about managment both Europe and Asia have different techniques that are commonly used in everyday life.

Automobile production

12 Декабря 2012, доклад

I study at the college, at the automobile construction department.
When I graduate from the college I shall become a technicain. All specialists in automobile industry dealing with manufacturing automobiles must know that the production of the automobile comprises the following phases: 1. designing; 2. working out the technology of manufacturing processes; 3. Laboratory tests; 4. Road tests; 5. mass manufacturing.


12 Марта 2013, статья

AWeber is a great tool for managing your mailing lists, with autoresponder sequences, simple web forms, and detailed reporting.
It also allows you to segment your subscribers according to certain criteria, either provided by themselves at signup (e.g. their age), or collected automatically by AWeber (e.g. whether they opened a previous message or not).
However, we recently encountered a problem where we needed to segment a list of subscribers based on our own criteria, which needed to be provided through the web form at signup, but not specified by the subscriber (i.e. data passed through a hidden form field).
When you create a web form in AWeber, you can add extra form fields, but you don’t have an option to add hidden fields, so you have to do this manually, as described below.


09 Октября 2011, реферат

Spray paint art is an art form using spray paint, traditionally on poster board, but can be done on any non-pours material such as wood, metal, glass, ceramic or plastic. It differs from graffiti art in that graffiti is performed on buildings, trains and the like, as opposed to more traditional art surfaces.

Banku aktīvās operācijas

20 Марта 2013, курсовая работа

Tāpat kā citu komercuzņēmumu darbība, banku darbība ir apdraudēta ar dažādu veidu riskiem, un tieši tāpēc vairākās valstīs šis ir viens no regulējamākiem uzņēmējdarbības veidiem, jo tas ietekmē valsts ekonomikas stabilitāti.
Latvijā pēdējā laikā ir kļuvusi ļoti aktuāla Latvijas komercbanku tematika, tā ietver visu, kas saistīts ar finansu lietām, naudas apgrozību valstī, naudas ieguldīšanu, kredītu izsniegšanu un visām komercbanku atļautām un neatļautām darbībām.
Kursa darba mērķis ir apskatīt banku aktīvo operāciju veidus, to ekonomisko būtību, izanalizēt Latvijas komercbanku attīstības tendences, izanalizēt banku aktīvās operācijas, Latvijas komercbanku darbību un noskaidrot komercbanku lomu mūsdienās.

Bezdarbs – sociāla problēma

25 Октября 2011, реферат

Saprotams, ka visās valstīs un visos laika posmos cilvēkiem ik dienas ir nācies saskarties ar sociālo problēmu izraisītajām sekām, šīs problēmas ir aktuālas arī mūsdienās. Tieši tāpēc katrā valstī ir nepieciešama stabila sociālā politika, kas rada stabilitātes un drošības sajūtu tās iedzīvotājiem. Šāda veida palīdzības nepieciešamība var skart ikvienu, neatkarīgi no vecuma, nacionalitātes vai ieņemamā amata, garantija no tām izvairīties mūža garumā praktiski nav nevienam, proti, jebkurš var zaudēt darbu, saslimt, un visi kādreiz noveco.

Big Ben

03 Сентября 2010, реферат

Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, and is often extended to refer to the clock or the clock tower as well. Big Ben is the largest four-faced chiming clock and the third-tallest free-standing clock tower in the world.

Big Ben

19 Декабря 2011, реферат

Big Ben is one of London's best-known landmarks, and looks most spectacular at night when the clock faces are illuminated. You even know when parliament is in session, because a light shines above the clock face.

Bill Gates

11 Января 2011, творческая работа

Bill Gates (William Henry Gates III) - nejbohatší muž na světě, počítačový magnát, zakladatel a majitel společnosti Microsoft. Svúj první program Bill Gatese napsal v 13 let.

Branches of phonetic

16 Декабря 2010, доклад

Phoneticians are also interested in the way in which sound phenomena function in a particular language. In other words, they study the abstract side of the sounds of language. The branch of phonetics concerned with the study of the functional (linguistic) aspect of speech sounds is called phonology. By contrast with phonetics, which studies all possible sounds that the human vocal apparatus can make, phonology studies only those contrasts in sound which make differences of meaning within language.

Bremen, Hanse- und Handelsstadt

11 Декабря 2010, реферат

Die Stadtgemeinde Bremen ist die Hauptstadt des Landes Freie Hansestadt Bremen (meist kurz auch „Bremen“). Zu diesem Zwei-Städte-Staat gehört neben der Stadtgemeinde Bremen noch die 60 Kilometer nördlich gelegene Stadtgemeinde Bremerhaven. Bremen ist die zehntgrößte Stadt Deutschlands. Die Stadt gehört zur Europäischen Metropolregion Bremen/Oldenburg, einer von insgesamt elf Europäischen Metropolregionen in Deutschland.