09 Января 2012, контрольная работа
In my reference paper, we consider a variety of programs for the design of flats, furniture and other things.With their help, you can easily imagine future developments placement, color, lighting and furniture. There is a simple program with a standard set of tools, but there are more sophisticated programs that can accuratelyand in detail to satisfy your desires on buduyuschego design. Let's look at some of them.
21 Декабря 2011, биография
Robert Moses (December 18, 1888 – July 29, 1981) was the "master builder" of mid-20th century New York City, Long Island, Rockland County, andWestchester County, New York. As the shaper of a modern city, he is sometimes compared to Baron Haussmann of Second Empire Paris, and is one of the most polarizing figures in the history of urban planning in the United States.
06 Декабря 2011, статья
This paper describes some problems connected with robot-masseur design and control.
01 Декабря 2011, курсовая работа
The British have many traditions, manners and customs of which they can be proud. England has preserved its old ceremonies and traditions to a greater extent than any other country in the world. Most of these traditions have been kept up without interruption since the thirteenth century. Foreigners coming to England are impressed by a great number of ceremonies which seem to be incompatible with the modern traffic and technical conditions of a highly developed country. Some British customs and traditions are famous all over the world. Bowler hats, tea and talking about the weather, for example.
24 Ноября 2011, лекция
THERE was disbelief this week when ArkadyDvorkovich, adviser to President Dmitry Medvedev, told journalists that Russia was close to joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Russia has been “close” for ages, but the timing has always slipped. Yet after 18 years of talks, it seems that membership now beckons.
20 Ноября 2011, статья
Russia's Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko says he wants to speed up an agreement which will see Qatar take part in the construction of a Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) plant on the Yamal Peninsula in Russia's Western Siberia.
12 Января 2012, реферат
I'm not a man given to emotional outbursts. In fact, in my many years as a businessman, I've always tried to remain a little detached and not let my feelings get in the way of pragmatism. But in witnessing the changes going on in Russia today, I cannot help but feel a little stirring even in this hardened heart.
23 Ноября 2012, лекция
Hello, dear audience, my name is =, and my name is ===. We’d like to present you the project.
In our project we are going to cover such aspects as stereotypes, attitude of the foreigners, who have never been to Russia, attitude of the foreigners, who have visited Russia and some general fears about life in Moscow.
22 Марта 2011, доклад
Contemporary Lithuania is one of the most mononational countries of Europe: 83.45% population is Lithuanians. Some national minorities are Poles, Russians, Byelorussians, Ukrainians, Jews. Russians comprise 6.31% population of Lithuania – that is 219 789 people. Russian population in Lithuania has fallen off greatly during last 10 years.
13 Марта 2011, доклад
The topic is of particular interest to me as at present I am working as an economist in one of the enterprises of the Gorki railways. Being a post-graduate student I am doing research in the field of railways economics.
So to start with I must say that the quality of infrastructure, and how comprehensive the transport network is, will influence the role transport plays and its contribution to the functioning of a successful economy.
22 Декабря 2011, сочинение
Once enrolled in an MBA program in the United States, I intend to study general management and accounting. This program is important because my personal and professional goal is to establish a private university in Uzbekistan. I came up with this idea after launching and running my own English language teaching center in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. However, as my business grows, I have run into difficulty in managing financial resources and human resources in my center.
23 Января 2011, доклад
Seit vielen Jahrhunderten erlernt man Fremdsprachen. In Europa begann man im elften Jahrhundert Fremdsprachen zu erlernen, auch in Russland. Es ist bekannt, dass der Fürst Jaroslaw
der Weise viele Fremdsprachen kannte. Damals aber war das Studium der Fremdsprachen ein Privileg der Reichen.
16 Декабря 2010, сочинение
Russians pay cash. Not by the credit card. Inside the shop or shopping centre looks similar to the one in US. The shopping area is divided into several parts-counters/ So if you are running out of milk you certainly go to the dairy counter. There you will find different kinds of butter, margarine, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, long-life milk. At the bread and cake counter you will see a variety of bread kinds, rolls, buns, rusks, croissants, fancy cakes. At the fish counter there is a variety of canned, kipper and fresh fish and sea food, like salmon, plaice, crab, lobsters, sprats and so on.
09 Ноября 2011, курсовая работа
Product advertisement - a form of communication is an inevitable outcome of a capitalistic society. Advertisement can be defined as an organization of text that provides information about a product or service along with an anchorage of image that suggest some cohesion or logical linkage leading to some relevance or meaningful interpretation to the target consumers.
03 Апреля 2011, реферат
1. Noţiuni şi definiţii
2. Clasificarea sistemelor de telecomunicaţii
3. Unităţile de măsură logaritmice
4. Diagrama nivelelor în tractul de transmisiuni
27 Ноября 2011, лекция
The gate was packed with weary travelers, most of them standing and huddled along the walls because the meager allotment of plastic chairs had long since been taken. Every plane that came and went held at least eighty passengers, yet the gate had seats for only a few dozen.
There seemed to be a thousand waiting for the 7 P.M. flight to Miami. They were bundled up and heavily laden, and after fighting the traffic and the check-in and the mobs along the concourse they were subdued, as a whole. It was the Sunday after Thanksgiving, one of the busiest days of the year for air travel, and as they jostled and got pushed farther into the gate many asked themselves, not for the first time, why, exactly, they had chosen this day to fly.
17 Марта 2012, контрольная работа
It is generally believed that small companies should incorporate as S-corporations. While an S-corporation enjoys many corporate attributes (the main is that the owners of a corporation dо not expose their personal assets to corporate liability), it is treated like a partnership for purposes of determining its Federal income tax liability. At the end of each fiscal year, its total earnings (от losses) are prorated to each shareholder, and these earnings (oт losses) are incorporated into their individual income tax returns.
15 Марта 2012, реферат
Using the word “note” to describe an odour may be more than just metaphor
01 Декабря 2011, статья
National rebirth can occur only when it is based on the life-giving soil of centuries-old culture, eats wholesome juices of the past
Kazakhstan - a country with rich history, whose roots go deep into the ancient culture of nomadism. Our country, being the crossroads of many civilizations and cultures, has a rich legacy of monuments of history and culture throughout its territory.
02 Ноября 2011, курсовая работа
Uzņēmēji Latvijā jau izmanto KSA idejas savā darbībā – rūpējas par saviem darbiniekiem, atbalsta projektus, kas uzlabo mūsu sociālo vidi, izmanto dabu saudzējošas tehnoloģijas u. tml. Diemžēl viņi neatsaucas uz KSA un neinformē par to sabiedrību, tā zaudējot iespēju radīt pievienoto vērtību savam biznesam, tādēļ uzņēmējus ir nepieciešams informēt par KSA būtību un idejām un labumus, ko tie var gūt, izmantojot KSA savā biznesā.
Asociācijas “Latvjas Auto” visa darbība savā būtība jau ir brīvprātīga biznesa aktivitāte. Tas izriet no Asociācijas nospraustajiem galvenajiem virzieniem, kas ietverti vīzijā, misijā un Asociācijas pamatvērtībās un uzdevumos.
Valdības iesaiste KSA un sadarbība ar Asociācijān un nevalstiskajām organizācijām ir spējīga radīt pozitīvu iespaidu un valsts zīmolu. Tā kā spēcīgi zīmoli pozitīvi ietekmē patērētāju uzvedību, tas pats attiecas arī uz pozitīvu iespaidu par nāciju. Pie šī argumenta vēl var pievienot to, ka spēcīga kompāniju darbība KSA jomā palielina iespēju iekļauties jaunos tirgos un palielina pieprasījumu. Šī iesaistīsanās kopējā tirgū bija arī pasākuma Autokaravāna “Jaunais zīda čeļš” galvenais mērķis un uzdevums no Asociācijas Latvijas Auto puses.
03 Августа 2011, магистерская работа
Software development and maintenance is an error-prone, time-consuming and
complex activity. To evaluate the quality of a software product and to keep its level
high is much more difficult than to do them for the other industrial products.
In this thesis, to keep the quality level of software products high, firstly necessary
quality factors on organizational level and department/project level were explained.
Then a model based on simulation techniques was developed. The model reflects
many dynamics of a software project.
12 Марта 2012, сочинение
Nowadays, in the times of human values, personal development and most notably concurrence, higher education is considered one of the most valuable possessions. Those in pursuit of knowledge are usually to choose from two completely different options – small, usually private universities, and big, mostly public ones. Albeit a considerable number of people having chosen the institution claim to have made the only right decision possible, there are pros and cons of each type of university.
21 Ноября 2011, статья
Millions of people all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport help people to stay in good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. I should admit that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine.
26 Марта 2012, доклад
Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people.
Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning, train themselves in clubs, in different sections and take part in sport competitions.
Other people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listen to sports news. They prefer reading interesting stories about sportsmen. But they don't go in for sports.
23 Октября 2013, сочинение
Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning, train themselves in clubs, in different sections and take part in sport competitions.
Other people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listen to sports news. They prefer reading interesting stories about sportsmen. But they don't go in for sports.
07 Ноября 2011, контрольная работа
The young businessman must find sources of money that will last until revenue begins to exceed cash outflows. He must be creative in finding start-up funding. New small businessman can start with the businessman’s own assets. On top of that, start-up financing may come from friends and relatives. The larger businesses can obtain funds from venture capital investors.
30 Ноября 2010, реферат
The problem of the enterprise will be to master the new markets, to satisfy needs of clients. Simultaneously she is also a problem of a management, management. Successes and failures of the enterprise is first of all successes and failures of management. If the enterprise works badly, unprofitably, his new owner changes not workers, and a management.
27 Января 2012, реферат
The problem of the enterprise will be to master the new markets, to satisfy needs of clients. Simultaneously she is also a problem of a management, management. Successes and failures of the enterprise is first of all successes and failures of management. If the enterprise works badly, unprofitably, his new owner changes not workers, and a management.
03 Февраля 2013, доклад
Реферат о стратегическом менеджменте и планировании на уровне фирмы.
18 Января 2012, курсовая работа
Nowadays the problem of the organizations is how to master the new markets, to satisfy needs of clients. Simultaneously it is also the problem of management. Successes and failures of the organization depend on successes and failures of management. Work at the enterprise should be organized in such a way so that it corresponds to needs of employees and allows to speed up their work and raise efficiency.