IMO Conventions

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2012 в 20:48, курс лекций

Краткое описание

Translate the following words and word combinations.
global trade, huge quantities, jurisdiction, to regulate shipping, can be adopted and accepted, the most important treaty, comprehensive regulatory framework, technical co-operation, maritime security, existing legislation, non-governmental organizations, machinery for cooperation, marine pollution, international maritime traffic.

Содержание работы

Unit 1. IMO Conventions.
Lesson 1. Introduction in IMO.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Lesson 2. SOLAS Convention.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Lesson 3. MARPOL Convention.------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Homereading. The value of the IMO.--------------------------------------------------------------- 16

Unit 2. International Safety Management Code.
Lesson 1. Development of the ISM Code.---------------------------------------------------------- 21
Lesson 2. Part A. Extracts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
Lesson 3. Part A. Extracts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Lesson 4. Part B. Extracts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
Lesson 5. Safe operation of ship.-------------------------------------------------------------------- 39

Unit 3.International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.
Lesson 1. What is ISPS Code?------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43
Lesson 2. Ship security requirements.---------------------------------------------------------------- 47
Lesson 3. ISPS Management System.---------------------------------------------------------------- 50
Lesson 4. Piracy attacks fall but hostage taking soars.--------------------------------------------- 55
Homereading. High sea piracy.------------------------------------------------------------------------ 58

Unit 4. Medical care on board.
Lesson 1. Health and illness.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
Lesson 2. Symptoms and signs.------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
Lesson 3. Blood.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 77
Lesson 4. Heart.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82
Lesson 5. Respiration.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86
Lesson 6. Digestion.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90
Lesson 7. Structure of teeth.------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 94

Unit 5. Fire fighting on board.
Lesson 1. Fire on board.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98
Lesson 2. Fire triangle. Fire classes.-------------------------------------------------------------------- 106
Lesson 3. Class “C” fire.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113
Lesson 4. Fire prevention.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118
Lesson 5. Fire detection methods.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 122
Lesson 6. Fire fighting on board.----------------------------------------------------------------------- 119
Lesson 7. CO2 Flooding system.----------------------------------------------------------------------- 137
Homereading. Engine room fires.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 142

Приложение.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148

Содержимое работы - 1 файл

методичка СЭ - 5.docx

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3. Translate into Russian.

  1. Системы автоматического обнаружения пожара играют такую важную, если не сказать критическую, роль в противостоянии между распространением огня и прибытием пожарных.
  2. Три основных принципа лежит в обнаружении огня.

a) Определение дыма: Фотоэлектрическими детекторами измеряется число частиц дыма в воздухе.

b) Определение нагрева: Датчики измеряют уровень повышения температуры за определенное время, а также ее максимальное значение.

c) Определение пламени: В этом случаем преимущественно используются инфракрасные и ультрафиолетовые датчики пламени.

  1. Система состоит из пожарных датчиков, пульта управления, электропитания и соединительных шлейфов.
  2. В пределах контролируемой области автоматические датчики постоянно контролируют соответствующие огню явления и преобразуют их в электрические сигналы. Эти сигналы передаются на пульт управления, где они отображаются визуально и акустически в случае пожарной тревоги.
  3. ПОЖАРНЫЙ ИЗВЕЩАТЕЛЬ — устройство для восприятия сигнала о пожаре и формирования информации о нем, пригодной для дальнейшей передачи извещения. Пожарные извещатели подразделяют на автоматические, срабатывающие на факторы пожара (теплота, дым, пламя или тлеющие очаги, газообразные продукты горения) и ручные (приводятся в действие человеком). В зависимости от наличия энергоисточника пожарные извещатели могут быть активными, получающими электропитание по шлейфу от приемно-контрольного прибора или иных источников питания, и пассивными, не требующими электропитания. Наибольшее распространение получили тепловые и дымовые автоматические пожарные извещатели.


4. Discuss the following subject.

Достоинства и недостатки пожарных детекторов, предложенных в тексте.


Lesson 6.


Firefighting on board.

  1. Read and translate the text.




Nine Litter Foam Fire Extinguisher


A 9 litre portable foam fire extinguisher of the inverting type is shown in Fig. 8.6. The inner and outer containers are made of lead or zinc coated steel, the outer container being of riveted construction. Cap and nozzle are made of brass and a loosely fitting lead valve may be situated at the top of the inner container to provide a seal. The brass cap has a series of small radial holes drilled through it which communicate the inside of the extinguisher with the atmosphere when the cap is being blocked.


The inner container is filled with a solution of aluminium sulphate and the annular space formed by the inner and outer containers is filled up to the level indicator with a solution of sodium bicarbonate and foam stabilizer. Proportions of solutions approximately 1:3 inner and outer containers respectively, is total solutions 9 litters.


By inverting the extinguisher the lead seal will fall, clearing the ports in the inner container and the two solutions can then freely mix. As the solutions mix they react, generating foam under pressure which is discharged through the nozzle.


9 litre foam fire extinguisher generates approximately 72 litres of foam. Working pressure 7 bar (0.7 MN/m2), testing pressure 25 bar (2.5 MN/m2), length of jet 7.5 to 9 m, duration of discharge Ц minutes approximately.

136-litre Foam Fire Extinguisher

This fire extinguisher is similar to the 9 litter type apart from the screw down valve, hose and frame.

To operate, the hose is uncoiled, valve opened, stop pin removed and the extinguisher is pivoted until it rests on the crossbar. This causes the two solutions to mix and generate foam.

The performance figures are: Foam generated 1,000 litters, working pressure 15 bar (1.5 MN/m2), testing pressure 25 bar (2.5 MN/m2), length of jet 18 m, duration of discharge 15 minutes approximately.


In order to test the extinguisher contents, 5 ml of the acid solution should be mixed with 15 ml of the alkali solution in a graduated vessel and this should produce about 160 ml of foam. Testing should be carried out about every four months with a thorough inspection and test every 12 months.

Nine Litter Portable Mechanical Foam Fire Extinguisher


The body is made of welded steel, zinc coated, with a solid brass neck ring silver soldered to it. The removable head assembly which incorporates the plunger, is made from a solid brass pressing. When the head assembly is screwed into the neck ring it presses down on to a thick rubber washer and flange on the charge container thus providing a seal and securing the charge container in place.

A nozzle made of aluminium alloy with fin-protected air holes is connected to a reinforced hose one metre in length. The hose is coupled to a brass elbow coupling which is soldered to the stainless steel diptube.

To prevent accidental discharge a swivel safety-guard is provided which also, when in position, holds the spring-loaded plunger valve open which vents the extinguisher thus preventing dribbling from the nozzle.


The body is filled with 8.25 litres of water and the charge container is made up of (1) 0.85 litre liquid air foam concentrate in a sealed plastic bag (2) a sealed 0.074 kg capsule of CO2 at a pressure of 53 bar, both of which are contained in an aluminium alloy tube.


When the plunger is depressed it pierces the thin copper seal releasing СО2 which ruptures the plastic bag and forces out the liquid foam concentrate into the water, where rapid mixing takes place. The foam solution is then driven up the steel dip tube. Through the hose to the nozzle, here it is aerated into good quality fire-smothering air foam.


The 9 litres of solution produce approximately 72 litres of foam, lenth of jet approximately 7m. Duration of dischargen is about 50 seconds and the body is pressure-tested to 25 bar.

This type of extinguisher can be rapidly reloaded, all that is needed is to fill body with water to the required level, drop in a new charge container and replace head assembly.


Riveted construction – приклепанная конструкция

Lead valve –  свинцовый клапан

Lead seal - пломба

To pivot – поворачиваться (вокруг своей оси)

Crossbar – поперечная балка, крестовина

Alkali solution – щелочной раствор

Neck ring – кольцо, оформляющий горловину, ободок

The plunger - поршень

Fin-protected air hole – воздушное отверстие с пластинной защитой

A brass elbow coupling – латунное коленчатое соединение

Dip tube – труба, погруженная в раствор

Swivel – шарнирное соединение, вертлюг

Dibbling – утечка, подтекание

To pierce – пробивать, продавливать отверстие

To rupture – разрывать, прорывать


  1. Answer the questions.
  2. What are inner and outer containers of 9 liter foam fire extinguisher made of?
  3. What are cap and nozzle made of?
  4. What placement of a loosely fitting lead valve provides a seal?
  5. What do radial holes drilled through the brass cap serve as?
  6. What contents do inner and outer containers filled up?
  7. Describe the operation of 9 liter foam fire extinguished.
  8. What are performance characteristics of 9 liter foam fire extinguisher?
  9. What does 136-liter foam fire extinguisher differ from 9-liter foam fire extinguisher in operation?
  10. What are its performance figures?
  11. What must be done to test the extinguisher contents?
  12. What is the body of 9-liter portable mechanical foam fire extinguisher made of?
  13. What is the removable head assembly designed for?
  14. How does the head assembly provide a seal and securing the charge container in place?
  15. How is dribbling from the nozzle prevented in this type of extinguishers?
  16. Speak about the contents of this type of extinguisher.
  17. What are its performance figures?


3.    Find the equivalents of translation.

  1. Portable foam fire extinguisher
  2. Lead or zinc coated steel
  3. A stop pin
  4. Head assembly
  5. The neck ring
  6. Flange
  7. Stainless steel dip tube
  8. a swivel safety-guard
  9. spring-loaded plunger valve
  10. charge container
    1. плунжерный (золотниковый) клапан с пружинным возвратом
    2. ободок горловины
    3. переносной пенный огнетушитель
    4. нержавеющая стальная трубка, погруженная в раствор
    5. сталь, покрытая свинцом или цинком
    6. предохранительный вертлюг
    7. фланец, выступ кромка
    8. стопорный палец, стопорный штифт
    9. приводная станция, передний узел
    10. наполняемый резервуар

4.  Find the right endings of each sentence.

1. A loosely fitting lead valve situated at the top of the inner container …

a) … provides free discharge of foam.

b)… provides oxygen access.

c) … provides a seal.

2. The radial holes serve as a vent …

a) … if the nozzle is unblocked.

b) … if the nozzle is blocked.

c) … if the nozzle is screwed.

3. The annular space formed by the inner and outer containers is filled up …

a) … with a solution of sodium bicarbonate.

b) … with a solution of aluminium sulphate.

c) … with a foam solution.

4. The contents of 136-liter foam fire extinguisher include: …

a) … 5 ml of the sodium solution mixed with 15 ml of the alkali solution.

b) … 5 ml of the acid solution mixed with 15 ml of the alkali solution.

c) 5 ml of the aluminium sulphate solution mixed with 15 ml of the acid solution.

5. The head assembly of 9 liter portable mechanical foam fire extinguisher provides: …

a) … a seal and the plunger moving up.

b) … the nozzle seal in a charge container.

c) … a seal and securing the charge container in place.

6. The hose of this type of fire extinguisher is coupled to…

a) … the removable head assembly.

b) … the brass elbow coupling.

c) … the thick rubber washer.

7. Released CO2 force out liquid foam concentrate  …

a) … into the sulpher solution.

b) … into the water.

c) … in fin-protected air holes.

8. The foam solution is then …

a) … driven up the steel dip tube.

b) … driven up the neck ring.

c) … discharged through the nozzle.


5.  Restore the sentences.

  1. The inner and outer containers of 9-litre foam fire extinguisher …
  2. Воздушные отверстия служат вентилятором …
  3. By inverting the extinguisher the lead seal will fall clearing the ports into the inner container …
  4. для активации 136-литрового пенного огнетушителя шланг разматывается, клапан открывается, стопорный штифт удаляется....
  5. The hose of 9-litre portable mechanical foam fire extinguisher is coupled to a brass elbow coupling …
  6. Для предупреждения случайного выпуска …
  7. When the plunger is depressed …
  8. 9-литровый переносной механический огнетушитель можно быстро перезагрузить; все что нужно, это …

a) … которое припаивается к нержавеющей стальной трубе погружения.

b) … a swivel safety-guard is provided.

c) … сделаны из стали, покрытой свинцом или цинком.

d) to fill body with water to the required level, drop in a new charge container and replace head assembly.

e) … и два раствора затем могут свободно смешиваться.

f) … if the nozzle is blocked.

g) … он пробивает тонкую медную пломбу, освобождая углекислый газ.

h) … and the extinguisher is pivoted until it rests on the crossbar.


Home task.

  1. Read and translate the text.



CO2 Portable Fire Extinguisher


The body is made of solid drawn steel which is hydraulically tested to 227 bar (22.7 MN/m2) and it is coated internally and externally with zinc, the external surface being finally painted.

A solid brass pressing forms the head assembly and this is screwed into the neck of the steel bottle. The head assembly incorporates a lever-operated valve, copper dip tube, bursting disc and a discharge horn made of non-conducting (electrically) material that can be swivelled in one plane only into the desired position.


The body is charged with 4.5 kg of liquid C02 at a pressure of 53 bar (5.3 MN/m2) approximately.


A safety pin (not shown in sketch) would first be removed and then the valve operating lever would be depressed. The liquid CO2 would pass into the discharge horn and emerge as a cloud of C02.


Range about 3 to 4 m in still air, duration of discharge about 20 s, about 2.5 m3 of gas is produced.

Note: СО2 extinguishes a fire by cooling and smothering, the gas has the advantage that it can get into inaccessible places. CO2 extinguisher contents, can be checked by regular weighing, this should be done about every four months.

C02 and Water Portable Fire Extinguisher.

Construction (Fig. 8.14)

The body of the extinguisher is of welded steel zinc coated, with the external surface painted. A brass neck ring is silver soldered to the top of the steel body and the brass head assembly, which incorporates plunger, handle and swivel safety guard, is screwed into it and seals on a thick rubber washer. Small radial vent holes are drilled in the head assembly which serve to relieve internal pressure when the head is being unscrewed in the event of the nozzle being blocked.

A brass double purpose nozzle is fitted to the delivery end of the reinforced rubber hose and the nozzle can be operated to give water jet or spray as desired.

When the swivel guard is in the protective position the spring loaded piercer is slightly depressed, this serves to keep the extinguisher vented when not in use and prevents water overflow due to change in atmospheric conditions.


The body contains 9 litres of fresh water, usually a wetting agent is added to the water which enables the water to spread more readily. The inner container is welded steel, zinc coated, and is charged with 74 mg of СО2 at a pressure of approximately 36 bar (3.6 MN/m2).


The hose is first uncoiled from the body and the swivel guard is swung to uncover the plunger. The plunger is then depressed, this releases the СО2 which then drives the water out of the extinguisher via the dip tube and hose.


Length of jet 10.6 m approximately, spray 6.06 m with about 36 m2 of cover. Duration of discharge approximately 60 seconds. Body tested hydraulically to 25 bar (2.5 MN/m2).


Dry Powder Portable Fire Extinguisher

Construction (Fig. 8.15)

Body is of riveted or welded steel with a brass neck ring. The neck ring incorporates the СО2 injection tube. Screwed over the neck ring is the head assembly which is fitted with a spring-loaded plunger and has screwed into it, a replaceable CO2 bottle.

Connected to the outlet end of the discharge tube is a reinforced hose which leads to a brass nozzle that is fitted with a lever-operated control valve.


The body of the extinguisher contains approximately 4.5 kg of dry powder, this powder charge is principally sodium bicarbonate with some magnesium stearate added to prevent the powder from caking. The СО2 bottle contains about 60 mg of СО2.


The extinguisher is removed from its supporting bracket and the safety cap is removed. When the plunger is depressed it pierces the СО2 bottle seal, СО2 then blows out the powder charge.

Информация о работе IMO Conventions