Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2012 в 20:48, курс лекций
Translate the following words and word combinations.
global trade, huge quantities, jurisdiction, to regulate shipping, can be adopted and accepted, the most important treaty, comprehensive regulatory framework, technical co-operation, maritime security, existing legislation, non-governmental organizations, machinery for cooperation, marine pollution, international maritime traffic.
Unit 1. IMO Conventions.
Lesson 1. Introduction in IMO.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Lesson 2. SOLAS Convention.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Lesson 3. MARPOL Convention.------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Homereading. The value of the IMO.--------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Unit 2. International Safety Management Code.
Lesson 1. Development of the ISM Code.---------------------------------------------------------- 21
Lesson 2. Part A. Extracts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
Lesson 3. Part A. Extracts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Lesson 4. Part B. Extracts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
Lesson 5. Safe operation of ship.-------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
Unit 3.International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.
Lesson 1. What is ISPS Code?------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43
Lesson 2. Ship security requirements.---------------------------------------------------------------- 47
Lesson 3. ISPS Management System.---------------------------------------------------------------- 50
Lesson 4. Piracy attacks fall but hostage taking soars.--------------------------------------------- 55
Homereading. High sea piracy.------------------------------------------------------------------------ 58
Unit 4. Medical care on board.
Lesson 1. Health and illness.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
Lesson 2. Symptoms and signs.------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
Lesson 3. Blood.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 77
Lesson 4. Heart.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82
Lesson 5. Respiration.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86
Lesson 6. Digestion.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90
Lesson 7. Structure of teeth.------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 94
Unit 5. Fire fighting on board.
Lesson 1. Fire on board.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98
Lesson 2. Fire triangle. Fire classes.-------------------------------------------------------------------- 106
Lesson 3. Class “C” fire.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113
Lesson 4. Fire prevention.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118
Lesson 5. Fire detection methods.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 122
Lesson 6. Fire fighting on board.----------------------------------------------------------------------- 119
Lesson 7. CO2 Flooding system.----------------------------------------------------------------------- 137
Homereading. Engine room fires.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 142
Приложение.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148
Live – под напряжением
Engine room console – пульт управления машинного отделение
Backup – резерв, запас
1. What conditions may result the hazard of electric shock?
2. What are burns resulted from?
3. Where are the places of electrical equipment location on board?
4. What electrical equipment located in the Engine Room?
5. What must you do if a fire breaks out near the generator switches or the main switchboard?
6. Where is emergency generator placed and what is its function?
7. What electrical equipment is situated along passageway bulkheads?
8. What other places of electrical equipment location on board do you know?
9. How can one extinguish the class “C” fires?
Lesson 4.
Principle weapons, well lighted, oil leakage, oil arises, to rectify the faults, internal combustion engine, routine maintenance work, observance of precautions.
Cleanliness, prevent fire, tank tops, to be painted white, the leakage dealt with promptly, dangerous accumulation, strainers for the bilges, fire fighting appliances, fire detection devices, engine room personnel, the recognized procedure, when coal is carried, as far as possible, be stacked, as large a surface area as possible, the arrangement of machinery spaces, safe storage, leakage of flammable liquids, to be protected against, thermal oil and exhaust gas lines, hard jacketing.
Когда уголь перевозится, быть защищенным от, быть сложенным, устройство расположения механизмов, трубопроводы термического масла и выхлопного газа, безопасное хранение, средства пожаротушения, жесткое покрытие (облицовка)., персонал (личный состав) машинного отделения, опасное накопление (скопление), признанные (общепризнанные, известные) действия (методы), чистота, насколько возможно, крышка (вверх) танка, такая большая площадь поверхности, насколько возможно, утечка легко воспламеняющихся жидкостей, предотвратить пожар, быть покрашенным в белый цвет, фильтры для льяльных вод, быстро справиться с утечкой, приборы для определения пожара.
Fire prevention.
Cleanliness, vigilance and common sense are the principal weapons with which one can prevent fire. Tank tops should be kept clean and well lighted, it is recommended that tank tops be painted white so that any oil leakages from drip trays, pipes, joints, filters and valves may be easily spotted and the leakage dealt with promptly before any dangerous accumulation of oil arises.Bilges must be kept clean and the pumps and strainers for the bilges maintained in good working order.
All fire fighting appliances must be kept in good working order and tested regularly. Emergency pump and fan stops, collapsible bridge oil valves, watertight doors, etc., should all be tested frequently and kept in good operative order. All fire detection devices should be regularly tested and any faults rectified.
All engine room personnel should be fully conversant with the recognized procedure for dealing with a fire aboard ship and should know the whereabouts and method of operating of all fire fighting equipment.
When coal is carried, as cargo, the compartment or compartments where it is situated should be well ventilated and the coal should, as far as possible, be stacked in such a way so that it presents as large a surface area as possible to the atmosphere. This will reduce risk of an outbreak of fire due to spontaneous combustion of the coal. Personnel should be thoroughly familiar with the problems associated with any special cargo the vessel may be carrying, e.g. LPG, LNG and chemical carriers.
Machinery space arrangement
The arrangement of machinery spaces is to be so that safe storage and handling of flammable liquids is ensured.
All spaces in which internal combustion engines, oil burners or fuel settling or service tanks are located is to be easily accessible and sufficiently ventilated.
Where leakage of flammable liquids may occur during operation or routine maintenance work, special precautions are to be taken to prevent these liquids from coming into contact with sources of ignition.
Materials used in machinery spaces normally is not to have properties increasing the fire potential of these rooms.
Materials used as flooring, bulkhead lining, ceiling or deck in control rooms, machinery spaces or rooms with oil tanks are to be non-combustible. Where there is a danger that oil may penetrate insulating materials, these are to be protected against the penetration of oil or oil vapours.
To ensure the application of current installation and construction standards and to safeguard the observance of precautions for preventing the occurrence of fires during assembly, inspection and maintenance works, reference is made to the guidelines for measures to prevent fires in engine rooms and cargo pump rooms as set out in MSC.1/Circ.1321.
Insulation of piping and equipment with high surface temperatures
All parts with surface temperatures above 220 °C, e.g. steam, thermal oil and exhaust gas lines, exhaust gas boilers and silencers, turbochargers, etc., are to be effectively insulated with non-combustible materials. The insulation is to be such that oil or fuel cannot penetrate into the insulating material. Metal cladding or hard jacketing of the insulation is considered to afford effective protection against such penetration.
Boilers are to be provided with non-combustible insulation which is to be clad with steel sheet or the equivalent.
Insulation is to be such that it will not crack or deteriorate when subject to vibration.
Vigilance - бдительность
Drip tray – капельница, каплесборник, поддон для талой воды
Joints – места соединения, прокладки
To spot – пятнать, пачкать, покрываться пятнами
To deal with – иметь дело с… , справляться с…
Collapsible - разъёмный, разборный, сборно-разборный; складной; раздвижной
To be familiar with – ознакомиться с …
Bulkhead lining - обшивка переборки
To clad - 1) заключать в оболочку (напр. стекловолоконный кабель) 2) наносить защитное покрытие; плакировать || с защитным покрытием; плакированный
To jacket - надевать чехол, кожух
principal prevent be kept oil dangerous fire fighting Emergency be tested fire detection reduce an outbreak special to be effectively |
accumulation devices appliances insulated frequently weapons precautions clean and well lighted pump of fire fire leakages risk |
1. What are the principal weapons to prevent fire?
2. Why is it recommended that tank tops be painted white?
3. What appliances must be properly kept and tested?
4. What should all engine room personnel be conversant with?
5. What way should coal cargo be stacked? Why?
6. What must the arrangement of machinery spaces be?
7. Why special precautions must be observed in places where leakage of flammable liquids may occur?
8. What properties should materials used in different spaces of a ship usually have?
9. What must the insulation of all parts with surface temperatures above 220°C be?
10. What is the boilers’ insulation?
1. Bilges must be kept clean and the pumps and strainers … 2. Emergency pump and fan stops, collapsible bridge oil valves, watertight doors, etc., … 3. Personnel should be thoroughly familiar with the problems associated with any special cargo the vessel may be carrying, … 4. The arrangement of machinery spaces is to be so that… 5. Materials used as flooring, bulkhead lining, ceiling or deck in control rooms, machinery spaces or rooms with oil tanks… 6. The insulation is to be such that… 7. Insulation is to be such that … |
a)… обеспечить безопасное хранение и обработку легковоспламеняющихся жидкостей. b)… должны проверяться регулярно. c)… он не трескался и не повреждался во время вибрации. d)… масло и топливо не проникало в изоляционный материал. e)… например, СНГ (сжиженный нефтяной газ), СПГ (сжиженный природный газ) и химовозы. f)… для льяльных вод содержаться в хорошем рабочем состоянии. g)… должны быть негорючими. |
1. В зависимости
от типа судна и его
2. Кроме профилактических
мероприятий, обязательно
3. Основным
условием недопущения пожара
на судне является постоянная
бдительность со стороны
4. Строго
соблюдать правила погрузки, укладки
и перевозки огнеопасных
5. Необходимо
держать всегда в полном
6. Особое
внимание должно уделять
7. Иметь на судне достаточный запас углекислого газа и патронов для огнетушителей.
8. Никогда не допускать курения в трюмах и на палубе возле грузовых люков.
9. Внимательно
следить за всякими
10. Постоянное
наблюдение и забота об
Home task.
Fire prevention measures, adequate actions, is connected with, light type fuel, explosion and ignition, result of lubricants ignition, "thermal" accidents, because of sparks, to observe requirements on storage, negligence of the crew, low thermal conductivity, aim to lessen the spreading speed of fire, be checked periodically on validity.
Fire prevention measures.
Fire prevention measures of ships are provided by its constructive, organisational and technical aspects and also by adequate actions of the crew in their fight with fire. It is noted that considerable per cent of fire accidents is connected with the explosion and ignition of light type fuel. Explosions of hydraulic systems, short circuits, defects in electrical equipment have also high frequency. Usually fire in the engine-room is the result of lubricants ignition in the bearings of the main and auxiliary mechanisms.
The other type of "thermal" accidents takes place because of the open fire that is because of sparks during welding process. But we mustn't forget about negligence of the crew or ship builder's shortcomings. It is necessary to observe requirements on storage of dangerous materials. Holds should be dry and clean with appropriate ventilation. Paints must have low thermal conductivity with the aim to lessen the spreading speed of fire.
Inflammable materials must have inscription and marking, be checked periodically on validity and expiration date, leakage, tightness of cover and so on. It is compulsory for every ship to have highly efficient fire extinguishing systems and also individual breathing apparatus, means for hands protection, in a world everything that is necessary to save life of every man at sea.