Диалогическая речь

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Марта 2012 в 16:19, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

Цель данной работы – выявить некоторые особенности обучения грамматической, лексической и этнолингводидактической сторонам английского языка в полилингвальной школе. Для реализации данной цели были поставлены следующие задачи:
1. Рассмотреть билингвальное и полилингвальное образование в России и в частности в Осетии;
2. Определить некоторые особенности обучения грамматической стороне английского язвка в 3 классе в экспериментальном учебнике для национальных школ;
3. Определить некоторые особенности обучения лексической стороне английского языка в 3 классе в экспериментальном учебнике для национальных школ;
4. Выявить лингводидактические основы взаимосвязанного обучения родному и английскому языку;
5. Апробировать разработанный грамматический, лексический и этнолингводидактический материал.

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Бахъуыды кæн: кæд нæ фæнды базонын ай цы предмет у, хъуамæ бафæрсæм: What is this? Æмæ дзуапп та райдайдзæн афтæ: This is….


           What is this?                                     What is this?

          (ай цы уы?)                                                     (ай цы уы?)

          This is a toy-railway                                       this is a bucket

          (ай уы хъазæн æфсæйнаг фæндаг)                (ай уы ведра



І. Look at the picture and say what this is?

                                       What is this?           What is this?               What is this?

What is this?


...................               ……………..              …………             …………



ΙІ. Match the English words and their meanings.


Ball                                             кукла

Toy car                                       æфсæйнаг фæндаг

Teddy bear                                  порти

Toy railway                                 бел

Shovel                                          гæппгæнæн

Doll                                              хъазæн машинæ

Skipping rope                              арс



ІІІ. Look at the picture and say what is missed.



,,  , ,   .




ІV. Write the words correctly.



Lold, ketbuc, rac yot, levohs, pero ingsikp, ilyawra,areb yedtd.











    Mother - Мад               Father - Фыд   



  Brother – Æфсымæр         Sister - Хо  


    Grandfather - Дада           Grandmother – Баба



Son – Фырт

Daughter – Чызг

Grandson, Granddaughter – Цоты цот.


Бахъуыды кæн: фарстон хъуыдыйад “Who is this?” уы “What is this?” хуызæн. Хицæн кæнынц уымæй æмæ Who is this? Мах фæрсæм удыгас предметтæм, What is this? та æнæуд предметтæм. Дзуапп та уыдзæн ахæм:  Тhis is…..





І. Look at the picture and say Who is this?


  Who is this?             Who is this?         Who is this?            Who is this?     Who is this?


This is a father       …………….         ……………..         …………….      ………..





ІІ. Give English synonyms of the following words.


Мад, фыд, фырт, цоты цот, баба, æфсымæр, дада, хо, чызг.



ІІІ. Match the English words with their equivalents.


Mother                                       Чызг

Father                                         Фырт

Sister                                           Мад

Grandson                                     Фыд

Brother                                      Хо

Granddaughter                             Цоты цот

Son                                               Æфсымæр

Daughter                                       Дада

Grandfather                                   Баба




ІV. Write the words correctly.


Hermot, brareth, nos, tfaher, tersis, ghtdauer, andgrrehtaf, gradnnos.










Chair - Бандон      Armchair - къæлæтджын



Table - Стъол       Telephone ring - Телефон



Picture - Ныв           Clock - Сахат



Washing mashine - Дзаумæттæ æхсæн машинæ







І. Match the words and their meanings.


Picture                    Стъол

Mirror                     Диван

Chair                       Къæлæтджын

Armchair                 Бандон

Telephone                Кæсæн


Washing mashine    Ныв

Table                       Рудзынг



ІІ. Look at the picture and say what is this?


What is this?           What is this?       What is this?  What is this?              What is this?


…………..       …………    ……….........      ………..             …………….



ІІІ. Translate the words in brackets and complete the sentences.



1 The pillow is on the (диван)

2 The flower is on the (рудзынг)

3 Where is the (ныв)

4 Where are the(бандон)

5 What colour is the(чингуытыскъапп)



ІV. Describe your house, using your active vocabulary.




V. Read the next describtion of the flat, translated the words in brackets.


My name is Fatima. I am 8. I live in Vladikavkaz. I have my nice flat. There is a (чингуыты скъапп) in it and very comfortable  (диван) . One can see the Terek river through the (рудзынг) . I have a large (ныв) on the wall. And the (айдæн) is in the bathroom. 






Binaty hitsaui ahshav(in honor  of saint of the houses). The ossetian people celebrate it in first week of the new year. The ossetian people belive that every house has its own saint. They must pray for him to make the family happy. Many years ago ossetian people sacrificed sheep for him, now it is chicken. It is cut in such a way that the pieces remain uncut. Now ossetian people cook their traditional pies, make salads, buy fruits and vegetables. The family must not give all this food to another people.





І. Complete the sentences.

1. The ossetian people celebrate Binaty Hitsaui Ahshav in ……of the New Year.

2. Every house has its own……..

3. The ossetian people sacrifice ……..for him.

4. The ossetian people cook………

5. The family ……..give all this food to another people to eat.



ІІ. Answer the questions.

l. When do the ossetian people celebrate the Binaty Hitsaui Ahshav?

2. Do they belive that every house has its own saint?

3. What did they sacrifice for the saint of the house many years ago?

4. What do they sacrifice now?

5. What do they cook?


ІІІ. Choose the right words.

1 The ossetian people celebrate Binaty Hitsaui Ahshav in the first week of the ……..

a)New Year




2 The ossetian people belive that every house has its own………





3 They must ……for him.





4 The ossetian people cook their ….pies.





ІV. Retell the text.












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