Коммуникативный метод обучения иностранным языкам

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Февраля 2012 в 06:15, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

В настоящее время происходит множество изменений в общественных отношениях и средствах коммуникации, которые требуют коммуникативной компетенции школьников, совершенствования их филологической подготовки. Именно поэтому приоритетную значимость приобрело изучение английского языка как средства общения и обобщения духовного наследия стран изучаемого языка и народов.

Содержание работы

Глава I. Теоретическая часть
1.1 Акт общения как коммуникативная единица……………………….........4
1.2 История возникновения коммуникативного метода обучения……….....7
1.3 Сущность коммуникативного метода обучения иностранным языкам...9
1.4 Принципы коммуникативного метода обучения………………………..14
Глава II.Практическая часть
2.1 Коммуникативные упражнения для обучения говорению……………..18
2.1.1Использование условно–речевых упражнений………………………..18
2.1.2 Упражнения для работы с разговорным текстом………………….….19
2.2 Коммуникативные игры……………………………………………….….20
2.3 Цели обучения говорению………………………………………………..25
Список литературы………………………

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jail - тюрьма

jailer - тюремщик

blindness ['blaэndnэs] - слепота

execution [ eksэ'kju:n] - казнь

bishop- епископ

to marry (couples) - венчать (пары)

to be burnt at the stake - быть сожженным на костре

randomly - случайно

to escort['esko:t] - сопровождать

sweetheart - возлюбленный

medieval [ medэ'i:vl]- средневековый

custom - обычай

to spread [spred] -распространяться

to care for - любить

anonymous - анонимный

heart-shaped - в форме сердца 

Match the beginnings with the ends of the sentences. Then read again and check. Compare your answers with the answers of your partner.

1. February 14 was a Roman holiday when… 

a) …to children and friends who loved him. 

2. Valentine was Christian priest who… 

b) …send valentines to their relatives, friends and loved ones. 

3. On St.Valentine's Day people… 

c) …cured jailer's daughter of her blindness. 

Valentine wrote letters from the jail... 

d) …young men choose the girl to escort to the festival.  

ІІ Grammar (7 min.) Past Simple 

Учащиеся, работая  в парах, выполняют задания.

1. Find the regular and irregular past forms in the text.

2. Study the examples. What are the spelling rules? Use your list and your own ideas to add to the table.


work - worked,……………………. 

double consonant -ed 

drop - dropped,……………………. 


live - lived,………………………... 

y + -ied 

cry - cried,…………………………  

3. Complete the sentences with the past tense of the verb in brackets.

a) We ………. (to leave) the party at 10 o' clock.

b) ……………. (to recognize) him with difficulty.

c) The English poet Byron ……….. (to fight) in the Greek war of independence.

d) He ……….. (to call) when I was at the Institute.

e) I ………… (to buy) this book in Moscow.

f) He ………. (to leave) the hotel, ……… (to take) a taxi and ……….. (to drive) to the theatre.

g) Last winter I ………… (to spend) a lot of time in the library.

4. Use verbs from your list to make sentences about yourself.

e.g. I watched TV last night.

Discussion (10-15 min)

1. Look at the text again and decide which of the following statements are T (true) and which are F (false). Compare your answers with a partner.

o Valentine was Christian priest who lived in the 3 century A. D.

o Valentine cured jailer's son of his blindness.

o Valentine wrote to his relatives who loved him from the jail.

o Valentine secretly married couples, because of it he was thrown into prison.

o St.Valentine's Day is the day of sweethearts.

o People always make valentines themselves. 

2. Work in pairs. Imagine that one of you comes from other country where they don't have St.Valentine's Day. Tell him\her about this holiday. (Choose the card and you'll know who will start).

The first cardThe second card

You will start the conversation. Try to use not only the information from the text but also your own knowledge and thoughts. 

You will play the role of person who doesn't now anything about St.Valentine's Day. Bt ready for asking your questions.  

3. Play the game in the group. Take a ball and throw it to the student you want to congratulate on St.Valentine's Day, the student who caught the ball then must also throw it to the other student and congratulate him or her. 

Writing (Time: 5 min.)

1. Look at these examples and write a postcard to your friend, relatives, boyfriend or girlfriend.

To your boyfriend:

Darling John,

Life is a wonderful gift!

Each day like a great treasure when you are close to me.

I Love you.

Lots of love,


To your friend:

Dear Peter,

Take my congratulation with St.Valentine's Day.

I wish you that joy and happiness always be in your life. And let's all you dreams become true.

Best wishes,


To your relative:

Dear Mummy,

I congratulate you with St.Valentine's Day.

You are the dearest and the most important person in my life. I Love You!



IV. Заключительный этап

Teacher: Today we have discussed very interesting topic about St.Valentine's Day. We have learnt some more facts about the history of this day and you express your own thoughts about it and about the ways how to celebrate this holiday. You have study how to write a postcard and also we have learnt Past Simple Tense. All of you have been ready for the lesson and worked very hard. I'm pleased with your work. Your marks are… 

Вывод: На основе данного урока мы пришли к выводу, что коммуникативные формы работы помогают повысить мотивированность и  интерес учащихся к изучению иностранного языка.

Данная модель урока английского урока с  использованием коммуникативных заданий  рассчитана на общеобразовательные  школы с углубленным изучением  иностранного языка, на класс уровня `А'. В классах другого уровня время  проведения представленного урока  может быть увеличено.

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