Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2012 в 20:48, курс лекций
Translate the following words and word combinations.
global trade, huge quantities, jurisdiction, to regulate shipping, can be adopted and accepted, the most important treaty, comprehensive regulatory framework, technical co-operation, maritime security, existing legislation, non-governmental organizations, machinery for cooperation, marine pollution, international maritime traffic.
Unit 1. IMO Conventions.
Lesson 1. Introduction in IMO.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Lesson 2. SOLAS Convention.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Lesson 3. MARPOL Convention.------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Homereading. The value of the IMO.--------------------------------------------------------------- 16
Unit 2. International Safety Management Code.
Lesson 1. Development of the ISM Code.---------------------------------------------------------- 21
Lesson 2. Part A. Extracts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
Lesson 3. Part A. Extracts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Lesson 4. Part B. Extracts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
Lesson 5. Safe operation of ship.-------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
Unit 3.International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.
Lesson 1. What is ISPS Code?------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43
Lesson 2. Ship security requirements.---------------------------------------------------------------- 47
Lesson 3. ISPS Management System.---------------------------------------------------------------- 50
Lesson 4. Piracy attacks fall but hostage taking soars.--------------------------------------------- 55
Homereading. High sea piracy.------------------------------------------------------------------------ 58
Unit 4. Medical care on board.
Lesson 1. Health and illness.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
Lesson 2. Symptoms and signs.------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
Lesson 3. Blood.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 77
Lesson 4. Heart.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82
Lesson 5. Respiration.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86
Lesson 6. Digestion.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90
Lesson 7. Structure of teeth.------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 94
Unit 5. Fire fighting on board.
Lesson 1. Fire on board.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98
Lesson 2. Fire triangle. Fire classes.-------------------------------------------------------------------- 106
Lesson 3. Class “C” fire.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113
Lesson 4. Fire prevention.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118
Lesson 5. Fire detection methods.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 122
Lesson 6. Fire fighting on board.----------------------------------------------------------------------- 119
Lesson 7. CO2 Flooding system.----------------------------------------------------------------------- 137
Homereading. Engine room fires.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 142
Приложение.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148
Interium – временный, промежуточный
To comply with – соответствовать чему-либо
The evidence – доказательство
Explicitly – ясно, детально, подробно
Initial verification – первоначальная проверка
The validity – законность, юридическая сила
To be subject to – подвергаться
At the request of - по требованию
To be withdrawn – быть отозванным
To produce – предоставить
To authenticate – заверять, подтверждать
Notwithstanding – несмотря на
Renewal – восстановленный, обновленный
The expiry date – дата истечения срока действия
The completion – завершение
3. Answer the questions.
1. What organization should the ship operated by?
2. Whom is the Document of Compliance issued by?
3. What does this document certify?
4. What ship types is this document valid for?
5. Who verify the validity of a Document of Compliance?
6. When should the Document of Compliance be withdrawn?
7. Why should a copy of the Document of Compliance be placed on board?
8. What period should the Safety Management Certificate be issued to a ship for?
9. When is it issued?
4. Find the translation of the next words and word combinations.
1. be operated
2. be issued
3. The Document
of Compliance
4. be recognized
5. an evidence
6. in complying
7. the verification
8. comply with
9. at request
10. be withdrawn
11. for the purposes
12. The Safety Management Certificate l) несоответствие
13. non-conformity
14. Notwithstanding
15. be valid
16. renewal
17. the expiry date
5. Fill in the missed words.
1. The Document of Compliance should be issued by _______.
2. _______ of a Document of Compliance should be subject to annual verification by the Administration within three months before or after the anniversary date.
3. A copy of the Document of Compliance should be placed on board.
4. The Safety Management Certificate should be accepted as evidence that the ship _______ the requirements of this Code.
5. The Safety Management Certificate should _______ by the Administration when the intermediate verification is not requested.
6. The new Document of Compliance or the new Safety Management Certificate should be valid from the date of completion of the _______ verification.
Be withdrawn, the validity, renewal, the Administration, is complying with
6. Translate into English.
1. ISM Code - это
стандарт по внедрению системы
должна быть одобрена
3. Имеются как минимум 4 причины одобрения ISM Сode:
1). Это делает ваше судно более безопасным местом работы.
2). Это защищает море и окружающую морскую среду.
3). Это более
ясно определяет ваши
4). Это – закон, так как он обязателен к исполнению, согласно Части 1Х Конвенции SOLAS – 74.
4. Судно освидетельствуется
Администрацией и выдается
5. Функции
судовых чек- листов могут
1. Read and translate the following text.
The International Convention for the Safety of life at sea is concerned with safety and health on ships. It had been adopted in 1948 in London. The Regulation includes all aspects such аs: safe conditions of workplaces, keeping ladders and companionways clear of obstructions, provision and maintenance of non-slip walking surfaces, adequate lighting, heating and ventilation, appropriate instructions.
The Master of the ship shall be supplied with data necessary to maintain sufficient intact stability under service conditions to enable the ship to withstand the critical damage.
There shall be permanently exhibited, for the guidance of the officer in charge of the ship plan showing clearly for each deck and hold, the boundaries of the watertight compartments, the openings therein with the means of closure and position of any controls thereof, and the arrangements for the correction of any list due to a casualty whether the ship is upright or listed.
In no саsе any subdivision load line mark shall be placed above the deepest load line in salt water as determined by the strength of the ship and/or the International Convention respecting Load Lines in force.
All sidescuttles the sills of which are below the margin line, other than those required to be of a non opening type shall be of such construction as will effectively prevent any person opening them without the consent of the Master of the ship.
Ships shall be provided with an efficient bilge pumping plant capable of pumping from and draining any watertight compartment which is neither a permanent oil compartment nor a permanent water compartment.
The main steering gear shall be of adequate strength and sufficient to steer the ship at maximum service speed. The main steering gear and rudder stock shall be so designed that they are not damaged at maximum astern speed.
sidescuttles - иллюминаторы
sills -нижние кромки
consent -разрешение
Intact stability - остойчивость
Upright - прямее положение
margin line - предельная линия погружения
rudder stock - баллер руля
companionways - сходный трап
bounderies - границы
close - закрытие, крышка
casualty - несчастный случай
upright - верикально
2. Answer the questions.
3. Translate the following word combinations into Russian.
Свободный от препятствий, безопасные условия, соответствующее освещение, условия работы, под руководством, водонепроницаемый отсек, разделительная грузовая ватерлиния, Международная Конвенция о Грузовой Марке, предельная линия погружения, без согласия, насосная установка осушительной системы, главное рулевое устройство, управлять судном, максимальный задний ход.
4. Ask the questions to the underlined words.
1. The International Convention for the Safety of life at sea is concerned with safety and health on ships.
2. There shall be permanently exhibited, for the guidance of the officer in charge of the ship plan showing clearly for each deck and hold, the boundaries of the watertight compartments, the openings therein with the means of closure and position of any controls thereof, and the arrangements for the correction of any list due to a casualty whether the ship is upright or listed.
3. The deepest load line in salt water is determined by the strength of the ship and/or the International Convention respecting Load Lines in force.
4. Ships shall be provided with an efficient bilge pumping plant capable of pumping from and draining any watertight compartment.
5. The main steering gear shall be of adequate strength and sufficient to steer the ship at maximum service speed.
5. Retell this text.
Unit 3.
The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code)
Lesson 1.
Contracting Governments
To enhance maritime safety оценка безопасности судна
Illegal acts
Mandatory requirements
Ship security assessment
What is ISPS Code
Following the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the Twenty-Second Session of the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization unanimously decided to develop new security measures for ships and port facilities.
On December 12, 2002 the Conference of Contracting Governments adopted amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS-74), concerning special measures to enhance maritime safety and security and the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code.
The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code is the IMO initiative rushed to implementation due to political imperatives not related to shipping but to state security and the newly recognized vulnerability to terrorist attack. The purpose of the ISPS Code is to establish an international framework of measures to enhance maritime security through which ships and port facilities can co-operate to detect and deter acts that threaten security in the maritime transport sector. Passenger ships, cargo ships over 500 GT and mobile offshore units in international trade must be in compliance with the ISPS Code no later than 1st July 2004. That means that ships must carry an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) by that date as their ticket to trade.
The following is a discussion of the Code requirements in SOLAS XI-2 - the safety management system portion of the ISPS Code as it relates to ships. These provisions contemplate three principal steps to obtaining the ISSC: ship security assessment, preparation of the ship security plan and verification.
In addition to new rules included into Chapter XI-2, and Parts А and B of the ISPS Code, the Diplomatic Conference adopted amendments to the existing ISPS rules, which facilitate compliance with the requirements related to equipment of ships with Automatic Identification Systems, and adopted new Regulations to include into Chapter XI-1, covering marking of Ship's Identification Number and the carriage of a Continuous Synopsis Record. The most important amendments are the new Chapter XI-2 "Special Measures to enhance Maritime Security" and the ISPS Code.
Chapter XI-2 introduces new requirements regulating ships' security with the purpose of prevention of illegal acts, directed against safety of navigation and transportation of protected cargoes by sea.
Requirements of the ISPS Code form the international structure, by means of which ships and port facilities can interact with the purpose of discovery and prevention of acts threatening the safety in the sea transport sector.
The ISPS Code comprises of two parts.
Part А sets mandatory requirements, while Part B provides guidelines. Recommendations of Part B should be accounted for in implementation of provisions of Chapter XI-2 and Part А of the ISPS Code.
security measures – меры по обеспечению охраны
which facilitate compliance with the requirements - способствующие ускорению выполнения требований
Ship's Identification Number – судовой опознавательный номер
Continuous Synopsis Record - журнал непрерывной регистрации истории судна
Assessment- оценка
Home task.
The Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Security held in London in December 2002 adopted new provisions in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and the ISPS code.
These new requirements form the international framework through which ships and port facilities can co-operate to detect and deter acts which threaten security in the maritime transport sector.
The objectives of this Code are:
In order to achieve its objectives, it is necessary