Роль групповых форм работы в формировании мотивации изучения английского языка

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Января 2012 в 12:11, дипломная работа

Краткое описание

Цель нашего исследования – на основе анализа психолого-педагогической и методической литературы выявить наиболее эффективные приемы мотивации учащихся к изучению английского языка при групповой форме работы, апробировать их на практике и подтвердить выдвинутую гипотезу.

Содержание работы

Введение…………………………………………………………. ………...……. 3
I. Теоретические основы мотивационной деятельности в изучении иностранного языка.
1.1. Роль мотивации в учебной деятельности.…………………………………. 5
1.2. Психологические основы мотивации……………………………………….9
1.3. Групповые формы работы как средство мотивации изучения английского языка……………………………………………………………………………...17
II. Опытно-экспериментальная работа по применению групповых форм работы для развития мотивации изучения английского языка в средней школе.
2.1. Содержание и задачи опытно-экспериментальной работы..……………. 24
2.2. Апробация групповых форм работы………………………………………30
2.3. Анализ и оценка результатов использования групповых форм работы на уроках английского языка в 7 классе…………………………………………..38
Заключение…………………………………………………………… …………41
Список литературы………………………………

Содержимое работы - 1 файл


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                 b) explore                          d) set 

  1. Complete the sentence:

                While Jane was reading a book, …

    1. Teddy will go to the shop.
    2. Susan was watching TV.
    3. mother cooks dinner.
    4. he is listening to music.
  1. Complete the sentence:

                Boys were playing football …

    1. when mother came.
    2. when he works in the garden.
    3. he will read this book.
  1. Make up a sentence:

                speak | English | We | .| nor | French | neither 

  1. Make up a sentence:

                in | What | the | largest | ? | the | is | country | world 

  1. Put the verbs in the correct form:

                Robert … for his classes at 10.15 last Friday.

                 a) prepared                        c) was preparing

                 b) will prepare                  d) were preparing 

  1. Put the verbs in the correct form:

                Pete and Jack … each other at 7.00 yesterday.

                 a) were fighting                c) will fight

                 b) have fought                  d) fights 

  1. Complete the text filling in the words:

         The … we live on is the Earth. The … is round. If you … at the                             Earth  … the space you will able to … land, seas, … , continents, and … countries. … times you … see them through … .

    1. Earth                            f) clouds            
    2. look                             g) see
    3. oceans                          h) even
    4. Some                            i) planet 
    5. can                               j) from

         Приложение 4 

Test 2 

    1. Match the words from the left and right columns:

      a) regular                           at once

      b) immediately                  in a definite way

    1. to suffer                         usual

                 d) definitely                       to feel pain 

    2. Fill in the gaps:

                You should eat the … food to keep fit.

                 a) hard                               c) serious

                 b) right                              d) wrong 

    3. Fill in the gaps:

                You should … your temperature twice a day.

                 a) will take                        c) bring

                 b) get                                 d) take 

    4. Complete the sentence:

                Too many sweets are bad for you …

        a) usually after school.

        b) especially for you teeth.

        c) to keep fit. 

    5. Complete the sentence:

                Ann said that …

      1. she lives in Moscow.
      2. she lived in Moscow.
      3. she will live in Moscow.

    6. Complete the sentence:

                 Robert said

      1. Peter will help me.
      2. Phil go shopping every day.
      3. they wouldn’t arrive at 5 o’clock.

    7. Make up a sentence:

                the | my | doctor | feel | pulse | . | will  

    8. Put the verbs in the correct form:

                Andrew asked Helen if she  … the door.

                 a) will close                       c) would close

                 b) will closed                     d) will closing 

    9. Put the verbs in the correct form:

                Tom said he … letters very seldom.

                 a) will write                    c) writes

                 b)  wrote                         d) is writing 

    10. Complete the text filling in the words:

         When Ronald came … he felt that … was wrong … him. He had a … headache, a … throat and he had a strong … in his legs. He … so bad that he … to go … without … .

      a) with                              f) something                        

      b) bed                               g) sore

      c) pain                              h) terrible

      d) dinner                           i) decided

      e) home                             j) felt 

                                                      Приложение 5 

“Health and Body Care”.

T: Today we shall talk about your health and what you should do if you are ill.

The leader will read the questions, and you will discuss the problem in group. Ask each other questions. These questions are in the cards. 

Health and Body Care

What should you do if you have a headache? 

  • to call a doctor;
  • to go to bed;
  • to take some medicine;
  • to have a walk outdoors.
Health and Body Care

What should you do if you have a toothache?

  • to go to the dentist;
  • to take some medicine;
  • to drink some milk.
Health and Body Care

What should you do if you have a cold?

  • to call a doctor;
  • to go to bed;
  • to take some medicine;
  • to drink warm milk with honey.

           Приложение 6 

Ronald is really ill.

Task 1.

Translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English:

- принимать участие;                           - измерять температуру;

- довольно холодно;                            - ему было трудно дышать и глотать;

- с ним было что-то не так;                 - это был грипп или ангина;

- Рональд заболел;                                - измерять пульс;

-слушать  сердце и легкие;                    - у Рональда высокая температура;

-постельный  режим на три дня.

Task 2.

Find and read aloud sentences to describe:

  • the weather;
  • Ronald’s illness;
  • what the doctor did when she came;
  • what the doctor asked Ronald to do.

Task 3.

Ask questions on the text for your group-mates  to answer.

Task 4.

Put the points in a logical order according to the text.

  1. The doctor’s advice.
  2. The mother’s call to the doctor.
  3. The weather on the football match day.
  4. The doctor’s visit.
  5. Ronald’s health at the end of the day.

Task 5.

Retell the text, making a “Snowball” retelling of the text in group.


         Приложение 7 



Информация о работе Роль групповых форм работы в формировании мотивации изучения английского языка