Обучение говорению в английском языке

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Декабря 2011 в 17:16, дипломная работа

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В связи с этим целью настоящей работы является разработка концепции комплекса упражнений для обучения говорению на английском языке.

Для реализации поставленной цели в настоящей дипломной работе будут решаться следующие задачи:

- анализ говорения, как вида речевой деятельности;

- раскрытие существующих методов говорения;

- анализ трудностей при обучении говорению;

- раскрытие психо-физиологических характеристик учащихся старших классов общеобразовательной школы;

- формулировка целей и раскрытие содержания обучения говорению;

- раскрытие требований к структуре и содержанию комплекса упражнений для обучения говорению;

- разработка и экспериментальная отработка концепции комплекса упражнений.

Содержание работы

Введение ................................................................................................................ 2

Глава 1. Теоретические основы обучения говорению на иностранном языке 5

§ 1.1. Говорение как вид речевой деятельности ............................................... 5

§ 1.2. Существующие методы обучения говорению, их достоинства

и недостатки .............................................................................................. 14

§ 1.3 Трудности при обучении говорению ........................................................ 24

§ 1.4. Психо-физиологическая характеристика учащихся старших классов

общеобразовательной школы .................................................................. 27

Глава 2. Разработка элементов комплекса упражнений по обучению

говорению на иностранном языке учащихся старших классов ..... 35

§ 2.1. Цели и содержание обучения говорению .............................................. 35

§ 2.2. Требования к структуре и содержанию элементов комплекса

упражнений для обучения говорению ................................................... 50

§ 2.3. Разработка и экспериментальная отработка элементов комплекса

упражнений .............................................................................................. 56

Заключение .......................................................................................................... 65

Библиографический список используемой литературы ................................. 69

Приложение 1. Примеры уроков по обучению говорению ............................ 71

Приложение 2. Функциональные модели диалога .......................................... 74

Приложение 3. Комплекс упражнений 1 .......................................................... 75

Приложение 4. Комплекс упражнений 2 .......................................................... 78

Приложение 5. Комплекс упражнений 3 .......................................................... 82

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c)       1. Do you often travel on business? 

          2. Where were you on your last business trip? 

          3. On arriving there you put up at a hotel immediately, didn't you? 

          4. Had a room already been booked for you? Why? 

          5. Did you have a single or a double room? 

          6. How did you like the service there? 

d)       1. What do you usually do on arriving at a hotel? 

          2. What do you ask the clerk at the reception desk? 

          3. What does a guest usually have to do at the reception desk? 

          4. Are you shown up to .your room or do you find the way there yourself? 

e)       1. Where did you spend your last holiday? 

          2. Is there a through train to ... or did you have to change trains? 

          3. Did you travel by fast or slow train? 

          4. Did you have a pleasant journey? 

          5. How long did the journey last? 

VI. Make up dialogues, using the words and expressions given below; use disjunctive questions and the expressions so do I, neither do I. 

1. At Home 

to pack, to have a lot to do, to have ... at one's disposal, to forget, to book, an upper berth, a lower berth, anything will do, don't bother, to order a taxi, to miss the train, to mind, to go by bus 

2. At the Booking-office 

can I have a ticket to ..., what's the fare, a first-class sleeper, a second-class sleeper, a through train, to change, you will have to ..., a fast train, a slow train, no vacant seats, there is nothing to be done, a dining-car, I think so 

3. At the Station 

here we are, to see off, to see to the luggage, the left-luggage, the enquiry office, to look up the time-table, to collect one's luggage, a carriage, a compartment, a seat, to come along, the train, to start,, to get on the train, to say goodbye, a pleasant journey 

4. On the Train 

can I use .... to make oneself comfortable, at one's disposal, to move up, can I help you ..., will you ..., to fix, aren't you going to ..., on business, do you find ..., .the service, to improve, quite comfortable 

VII. Describe a trip you have made in Russia  or abroad (за границу). 



Приложение 4 

Комплекс упражнений 2. 


I.  a)  Make comparisons, using the adjectives and adverbs below. 


1. The play is (much) more interesting than the book on which it was based. 

In fact it's the best play of the season. 

2. It is produced (much) better than many other plays. (This play isn't produced as well as some other plays.) 

4. N. plays best (of all). 

5. The first act is as (is not so) interesting as the second.   , 

b) Compare two plays (films, TV shows). 

interesting, serious, amusing, cheerful, gloomy,, funny, good (well), popular, bad (badly) 

c) Compare two actors (actresses). 

talented, popular, famous, skilled, (to do) well, powerful (about a voice), natural, nice (nicely), expressive, (to impress) very much. 

II. Find English equivalents for the following (See  Text). 

- какие фильмы  идут на этой неделе?... 

- собственно, говоря ... 

- я не совсем  с вами согласен ... 

- на экране... 

- какого вы мнения  об экранизации? ... 

- от начала до  конца ... 

- я не скучал  ни минуты ... 

- состав исполнителей  хорошо подобран ... 

- я должен пойти,  посмотреть его сам ... 

- посмотрим ... 


III. Activate the following words and word combinations. 

the fact is ... , as a matter of fact 

a) Complete, using the word combinations given in brackets. 

1. I took him to see nearly all the places of interest. In fact... (to show round the whole town).  

2. He hesitated for a week before giving a final reply. As a matter of fact he... (not to give a proper answer even then).  

3. The boy could not leave his brother. The fact was... (to be responsible for). 

b) Translate. 

1. Вы не можете  винить ее за плохую игру. Собственно  говоря, она никогда не обучалась  игре на рояле.  

2. Не удивительно,  что ее везде хвалят. Собственно  говоря, она самая популярная  актриса сезона. 

to prefer, I would rather ... than.... 

a) Practise aloud. 

1. Do you prefer a single or a double room?  

2. I'd prefer a single room.  

3. I prefer to wear glasses at work.  

4. He'd prefer not to consider the question now.  

5. She prefers wearing her hair long.  

6. I would rather look it up than try to guess. 

b) Answer these questions. 

1. What kind of sports do you prefer in summer (in winter)? 

2. Why do you prefer swimming (playing tennis, volley-bali, skating)? 

3. Why do some people prefer the cinema to the theatre? 

4. Do you travel a lot? How do you prefer to travel? 

5. When would you rather go by train than by air? 


V. Answer the following questions. Make up stories based on the information gained from the answers (to be done after each set). 

a) 1. Do you often go to see ballets, or do you prefer the 

opera? (Give your reasons.) 

    2. What ballet (opera) have you seen (heard) lately? 

    3. Was the plot quite new to you, or were you familiar with it? 

    4. What is your opinion of the performance? Do other people praise it? 

b) 1. Do you usually go to see every new film, or only those which are praised?  

    2. What kind of them do you look forward to seeing? 

    3. Do you expect to enjoy a film with a familiar plot? (Give your reasons for or against.) 

VI. Make an oral translation, using the active vocabulary of the lesson. 

Диалог 1.  

- Вы ведь видели  новый спектакль в нашем театре, да? Как он вам понравился? 

- По-моему,  это  прекрасный спектакль.  Собственно  говоря, содержание было мне знакомо,  но тем не менее (but ... just the same) мне понравился весь спектакль от, начала до конца. Артисты подобраны прекрасно, ведущую

роль исполняла  Николаева. 

- Правда? Я предпочитаю  Петрову в этой роли. 

Диалог 2.  

- Вы видели последние  картины этого художника? Они  демонстрируются (показываются) в  главном выставочном зале. 

- Нет еще, я  был очень занят последнее  время. Но эту выставку все  хвалят, и я хочу посмотреть  ее. 

- Выставку действительно  стоит посмотреть. Н. считается   прекрасным  пейзажистом  (a  landscape  painter). Но некоторые из его картин довольно необычны. Я советую вам посмотреть его биографию, прежде чем вы пойдете на выставку. Это поможет вам понять художника. 

Диалог 3.     

- Доброе утро, г-н  Смит. Как вы провели время  (развлекались) в воскресенье? 

- Доброе утро, г-н  Иванов. Вчера я чудесно провел  вечер. Мне, наконец, удалось  посмотреть «Лебединое озеро» ("The Swan Lake"). Я в восторге от спектакля (Я наслаждался каждой минутой). 

- Вы не хотели бы пойти в оперу или в кукольный театр (the Puppet Theatre)? Я могу посмотреть, что идет завтра. 

- Нет, спасибо,  я предпочитаю балет, особенно  русский. Его хвалят во всем  мире, еще (even) в Лондоне я с нетерпением ждал, когда смогу насладиться вашим балетом. 

VII. Retell the dialogue in indirect speech. 

VIII. Make up dialogues of your own, using the words and word combinations given below. 

1. Intending to Go to the Theatre 

to read a poster, to be on, to be worth, to praise, in my opinion, an excellent idea, to look up the time of, to see an announcement, to be in great demand, to choose, to prefer, to look forward to ... 

2. Booking a Ticket for the Theatre 

a row, the stalls (the gallery, the pit. the balcony, a box), as a matter of fact, to prefer, these seats will do 

3. Going to the theatre 

to wear, to look nice, to keep somebody waiting, hurry up, I'd rather.... to take a taxi, to be held up, nearly, needn't 

4. Impressions of a Film (Play) 

to be worth, expressive, cast, excellent, opinion, to look upon ... as .... to do well, to be impressed, to find interesting; as a matter of fact, a plot, to be familiar, to look forward to... 

IX. Retell the above dialogues in indirect speech. 

Приложение 5 

Комплекс упражнений 3. 


I. Practise the sound combinations below, then read the dialogues carefully. 

'heard the 'forecast 

a'bout  the whole 

'Is that you, Mary? 

II. Find English equivalents for the following (See Text). 

- какая хорошая  погода была на прошлой неделе!... 

- кратковременные  дожди ... 

- завтра утром  ... 

- переменная облачность  до конца недели ... 

- это ужасно ... 

- надеюсь, до субботы  прояснится ... 

- она большая любительница  загородных прогулок ... 

- я у телефона ... 

- послушай, Анна ... 

- а что ... 

- Ник предлагает  загородную прогулку; ты поедешь  с нами? … 

- на этот раз  тебе придется довольствоваться  загородной прогулкой ... 

- да, вполне ... 

- до завтра ... 

III. Retell the dialogues in indirect speech. 

IV. Activate the following words and word combinations. 

occasional, occasionally, an occasion, on (for) this (that), occasion, on the occasion of a) Translate. 

1. Occasional exercise will do you good.  

2. I'm so sorry we only have an occasional exchange of opinions.  

3. A famous actress was to arrive jri the town, and posters were put up everywhere on the occasion.  

4. He would occasionally turn up at his parents' place, always arriving unexpectedly. 

b) Answer these questions. 

1. What did Colonel Green decide to arrange on the occasion of his birthday? 

2. Who did the Colonel invite for the occasion? 

3. Was an amateur performance only an occasional event at Colonel Green's place? 

4. Did Colonel Green study horn-blowing regularly or only occasionally? 

5. Would he have succeeded if he had only taken occasional lessons? 

to clear 'up 

a) Practise aloud. 

1. He intended to clear up the matter, but failed.  

2. The difficulty hasn't been cleared up yet.  

3. We shan't go out unless it clears up 4. Will you clear this up for me, please? 

b) Complete. 

1. He insists on... (to clear up the matter).  

2. They complain that many things... (not to be cleared up yet).  

3. I wonder why they avoid... (to clear up the matter). 

c) Translate. 

1. Все уже выяснено.  

2. Нам хотелось  бы выяснить этот вопрос.  

3. Ничего еще не выяснено 

V. Answer the following questions, using the active vocabulary. 

1. In which months is the weather fine in the Moscow area? Which months are usually wet? 

2. Are we always pleased to have dry weather? When are we not pleased to have it? 

3. Would it be wise to go for an outing in wet weather? 

4. Is it usual to have occasional rain in September? What about August, February? 

5. Does it clear up quickly after rain? Is this a feature of any particular season? 

6. Where do you get the weather forecast from? Do you always rely on what it says? 

7. Would you take a raincoat with you if the forecast said "occasional rain?" 

8. Is it possible to get wet through in a shower? 

9. What would you do if you were wet through? 

VI. Answer the following questions and make up stories based on the answers. 

a) 1. When was your last outing? 

    2. The weather forecast promised a dry, sunny day, didn't it? 

    3. Would you have started out if it had said "occasional rain"? 

    4. Would you have put off the outing if they had forecast unsettled weather? 

b) 1. Is camping your (your friend's) hobby? 

    2. How long has it been your (your friend's) hobby? 

    3. Did it start with an occasional outing or did you go camping regularly? 

    4. Camping is a healthy occupation, isn't it? 

VII. Make an oral translation, using the active vocabulary of the lesson. 

Диалог 1.     

- Посмотри! Дождь  перестал? 

- Нет еще, а  что? (Why?) 

- Я здесь с десяти  часов. Нужно идти, а мне не  хотелось бы промокнуть. 

-         Подожди немного, минут через  пятнадцать прояснится. 

Диалог 2.     

- Здравствуй, Петр! 

- Здравствуй, Николай!  Сегодня чудесное утро, правда? Надеюсь,  к вечеру не будет дождя. 

Информация о работе Обучение говорению в английском языке