Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Февраля 2012 в 22:48, автореферат
Зерттеу міндеттері:
1. Технологиялық тәсілдердің жүзеге асырылуының басты бағыттарын баскетбол бойынша ойын техникасын қалыптастыруда қолдану.
2. Динамикалық ойын жағдайларының мазмұнын оқушыларды техникалық дайындаудың бастапқы кезеңінде қолдану негіздемесін беру.
3. Баскетбол ойынының техникасын қалыптастыру технологиясын жасаудың және динамикалық ойын жағдайларын дене шынықтыру сабақтарында қолданудың эксперименталді негіздемесін беру.
4. Оқушыларды дене шынықтыру сабақтарында баскетбол ойынының негіздеріне үйретудің тимділігін арттыру бойынша ғылыми-педагогикалық ұсыныстар түзу.
Теоретическая основа исследования сложилась:
– из психолого-педагогической теории детерминации становления личности внешними факторами и внутренними условиями развитии;
– теории деятельности и ее субъекта;
– работа основывается на идеях системности при разработке замыслов социальных преобразований и проектировании их реализации;
– теории обучения;
– теории и методики физической культуры.
Положения, выносимые на защиту:
педагогическая технология поэтапного
формирования основных приемов игры
в баскетбол способствует повышению
эффективности овладения
формы интеграции специальных упражнений
и подвижных игр в виде динамических
игровых ситуаций служат основой
для оптимизации приемов
– методика реализации технологического подхода к учебному процессу по баскетболу создает дополнительные возможности для формирования у учащихся игровой деятельности;
– использования баскетбола на уроках физической культуры, позволяет существенна повысить уровень их физической и тактической подготовленности.
Основные результаты исследования:
Исследования проведенные
Сложность и многогранность
Основными компонентами
В соответствии со структурными компонентами обоснована технология технической подготовки учащихся, обучающихся баскетболу на основе поэтапного формирования двигательных действий.
Модульное обучение на
Всесторонний анализ, предварительная экспертиза и тщательная экспериментальная проверка подтвердили идею о необходимости использования комплекса методов и широкой батареи тестов для получения достаточно надежных и объективных показателей. Полученные результаты подтверждают выдвинутую научную гипотезу и могут служить основанием для более глубокого дальнейшего обоснования физической культуры учащихся.
Теоретическая значимость. Результаты исследования расширяют и углубляют знания в области педагогического управления физическим состоянием учащихся общеобразовательных школ на уроках физической культуры.
Практическая значимость исследования заключается в:
– непосредственном внедрении в практику учебных занятии школы разработанной педагогической технологии начальной технической подготовки баскетболистов;
– разработке содержания динамических игровых ситуаций в виде специальных упражнений и подвижных игр, позволяющих существенно повысить эффективность обучения приемам баскетбола.
Научная новизна исследования:
– установлены структура и функции технологического подхода к начальному этапу физической подготовки и обучения баскетболу на уроках физической культуры в школе;
разработана педагогическая технология
поэтапного формирования основных технических
приемов в баскетбол с
Результаты исследования опубликованы в виде 6 статей, из них 3 в рекомендованных Комитетом по контролю в сфере образования и науки МОН РК изданиях.
Апробация работы осуществлялась посредством обсуждения их на республиканских и международных научно-практических конференциях (3 статьи), ежегодных итоговых научно-практических конференциях КазАСТ, на заседаниях кафедры спортивных игр КазАСТ.
Содержание работы
может быть использовано при составлении
программ для соответствующих учебных
заведений, при написании учебно-
перспективе результаты исследований
могут быть использованы для повышения
эффективности уроков физической культуры,
в улучшении здоровья учащихся, в формировании
навыков ведения ЗОЖ, а также в повышении
физической подготовленности к сдаче
нормативных требований Президентского
Yeskaliyev Mukhtar Zainuldinovich
techniques instruction optimization on physical training lessons with
10-11 years pupils.
– Theory and methodology of physical education, sport training,
fitness and adaptive culture.
Actuality of research. Basketball takes a leading place among varied means. Basketball is included into comprehensive secondary school program from 3rd form as the most effective means of pupil motor activity growth.
Hypothesis of research. The scientific base of hypothesis is abstract theorems about instruction as integrative form of human social being, which determinative result is conversion of phenomena being into vital activity facts. Is it supposed, that primary basketball techniques instruction on physical training lessons can by significantly improved by following methodological approaches realization in instructions system:
– step-by-step forming of game techniques method.;
– selection of instruction material content and instruction lessons construction according to the base of dynamical playing situations (modules).
Object of research: physical training lesson in comprehensive secondary school.
Aim of research: increasing of efficiency of basketball game techniques base process.
Methods of research: theoretical research of scientific and methodological sources for theme of research, generalization of experts practical experience, questioning, physical training and basketball player special quality test, anthropometry (body weight, height, lung vital capacity etc.), pedagogical experiment, math statistics methods.
Theoretical base of research is formed:
– from psycho-pedagogical theory of making up of personality determination by external factors and internal development conditions determination;
– theory of activity and its subject;
– the work is based on systemic ideas under the plans development of social transformation and designing of its realization;
– instruction theory;
– theory and methodology of physical training.
Provisions, submitted for consideration:
– pedagogical technology of step-by-step forming of the base basketball game methods promote increasing of pupils base motive and technical-tactical actions mastering efficiency;
– forms of integration of special exercises and active games as dynamical playing situations are the base for methods optimization of pedagogical management for basketball instruction process for comprehensive secondary school pupils;
–methodic of technological approach to basketball instructional process realization creates additional possibilities for pupil game activity forming;
– use of basketball at physical training lessons let significantly increase a level of its physical and tactical preparation.
The main results of research:
1 Research, performed by another authors, points objective importance of study and pupils physical education process improvement. One of the reasons of index reduction in physical and technical pupils preparation is absence of school physical training base work orientation in program documents. There is a problem of teaching and educational work crossing to pupils’ fitness training process optimization.
2 Preparation complexity and diversity of morally pure, spiritually rich and physically perfect young generation imposes a significant imprint on the diversity of special educational, recreational and instructional preparation of pupils, requirements for physical, psychophysical, functional qualities and abilities of pupils, their health and lifestyle.
3 The main components of the technological approach in the period of initial training and basketball pupil learning are: targeted approach, which aims to step-by-step formation technical basketball game tactics and dual-sided development of physical fitness and psychomotor processes; organizational - is connected with the design of modular training for the implementation of systematic individualization of teaching and educational process; control - involves the formation of the objective function of control and self-control techniques of the game parameters for the timely correction of individual operations and motor actions.
In accordance with the structural components the technology of pupils’ basketball technical training, based on the phase formation of motor actions is grounded.
4 Modular training on the initial stage of the educational process foresees the use of dynamic game situations as ways and means of integral training of basketball players.
Comprehensive analysis, preliminary expertise and careful experimental verification confirmed the idea of complex methods necessity use and the broad battery of tests to obtain fairly reliable and objective indicators. The results obtained confirm the scientific hypothesis and can serve as a basis for further deeper explanation of pupils’ physical education.
Theoretical importance. Results of research broaden and deepen knowledge in the area of teacher control of secondary schools pupils’ physical condition in physical training lessons.
Practical importance of research is:
– immediate implementation in practice of school training lessons designed by educational technology of initial technical training of basketball players;
Novelty of research:
– the structure and function of the technological approach to the initial stage of physical preparation and basketball instruction at the lessons of school physical training are installed;
– educational technology of step-by-step formation of the main techniques of basketball using dynamic motor situations (modules) is developed.
Results of research are published in the form of 6 articles, 3 of them in the recommended edition by the Committee on Control in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK.
Approbation of the work carried out by discussing them on national and international scientific conferences (3 articles), the annual summary of scientific and practical conferences KazAST, at meetings of KazAST department of sports games.
Contents of the work can be used in the preparation of programs for the relevant educational institutions in the writing of textbooks, etc.
In the long term, results can be used to improve efficiency of physical training lessons, to improve the health of pupils, to shape the skills for healthy lifestyles, and to improve physical fitness to pass the regulatory requirements of the Presidential test.