Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Марта 2013 в 10:40, контрольная работа
The first requirement of monitoring is to establish the position of the ship. This may be done by variety of methods, ranging from very basic three bearing lines, through a more technically sophisticated use of radar ranges/bearings, to instant readout of one of the electronic position fixing system - e.g. GPS. The result though is always the same. It is how this information is used that is important.
As stated above, fixing methods vary. Basic fixing consists of more than one position line obtained from taking bearings using azimuth ring on a compass. Gyro or magnetic, the bearings are corrected to true, drawn on the chart and the position shown. Three position lines are the minimum required to ensure accuracy.
Государственный морской университет морского и речного флота
им. С.О. Макарова
Кафедра английского языка
Контрольная работа
Выполнил: Василатий П.Е.
Проверил: Исаенко Э.Д.
Санкт-Петербург 2013г
The first requirement of monitoring is to establish the position of the ship. This may be done by variety of methods, ranging from very basic three bearing lines, through a more technically sophisticated use of radar ranges/bearings, to instant readout of one of the electronic position fixing system - e.g. GPS. The result though is always the same. It is how this information is used that is important.
As stated above, fixing methods vary. Basic fixing consists of more than one position line obtained from taking bearings using azimuth ring on a compass. Gyro or magnetic, the bearings are corrected to true, drawn on the chart and the position shown. Three position lines are the minimum required to ensure accuracy.
Poor visibility or lack of definable visual objects may prevent a three-bearing fix being made. In this case radar-derived ranges (distances) may be included in the fix and under some circumstances make up the whole of the fix. In any case a mixture of visual or radar bearings and radar ranges is acceptable.
Electronic position fixing may also be used, particularly where there are no shore-based objects to be observed and the radar coastline is indistinct. Whilst these systems appear to be infallible the operator needs to have a good understanding of the principles and failings of the electronic system being used, in order to avoid a false of security.
Первое требование к наблюдению - определить местоположение судна. Это может быть сделано различными способами, от базового метода трех линий пеленга, затем технически более сложным, используя радар и до сличения координат электронной системы определения местоположения - например GPS. Хотя результат всегда одинаковый, Важно то, как эта информация используется.
отмечено выше, методы определения
местоположения различны. Базовый
метод состоит из более чем
одной линии пеленга
Плохая видимость или недостаточное количество объектов для пеленгования могут помешать определению местоположения по 3 линиям пеленга. В этом случае могут использоваться расстояния, полученные при помощи радара, а в некоторых случаях обсервация может быть сделана исключительно по ним. В любом случае использование визуальных наблюдений и радара приемлемо.
Системы электронного
И хотя эти системы показывают себя безотказными, оператор должен иметь хорошее представление о принципах работы и о неисправностях используемых электронных систем, чтобы избежать ложного чувства защищенности.
In my opinion hovercraft’s speed was rather safe because they could do any action they wanted.
Implemented fog routines are additional watchman on the bridge, fog sound signals.
I think they were taking actions but they were altering their course to port instead of starboard.
Yes, I do. Because it helped them to avoid collision.
I would recommend to enter a fog at slower speed, in this case they would have more time to evaluate the situation.
Actions to prevent collision must be timely and decisive, small alterations of course and/or speed should be avoided.
At 1245 was noticed a small fishing vessel which apparently had heaved up an anchor and steamed 053 degrees at 5 knots speed.
Approaching the fairway we contacted the VTS and requested the information about presence of outbound vessels and state of visibility.
We must give a way to this tanker because it is approaching on a crossing course from starboard bow.
This vessel with a draft of 12 meters should proceed by deep-water way.
Vessels have to cross the traffic lane at right angles as far as possible.
4. Translate the letter
Уважаемые господа!
Сообщаю подробности опасного инцидента в проливе Дувр. Мое судно (VLCC TARRAGONA) приблизилось к Бую МРС курсом 032 градусов, когда визуально и на РЛС судно было замечено, которое следовало во встречной полосе движения и приблизительным курсом 220 Т. На этом судне был выставлен сигнал «судна, стесненного осадкой», как и на моем судне. Когда мы приближались к траверзу Буя Ruytengen, САРП показал, что приближавшийся танкер начал менять курс влево с целью пересечь наш путь по носу с дистанцией кратчайшего сближения 0,5 кбт. Мы вызвали танкер по УКВ, и вахтенный помощник (или возможно, капитан) подтвердил свой маневр и намерение пересечь наш путь на дистанции 0,5, добавив, что “все под контролем” . Нам пришлось отвернуть влево до того момента, когда танкер не окажется у нас справа по носу, а затем после расхождения постепенно вернуться на первоначальный курс.
Искренне Ваш,
Капитан танкера TARRAGONA
Dear Sirs,
I inform you about the details of dangerous incident at Dover Strait. My vessel (VLCC TARRAGONA) had approached the MRC Buoy on course of 032 degrees when the vessel proceeding into the oncoming traffic lane on approximate course of 220 T. was noticed visually and by radar. The signal «vessel constrained by her draft» was displayed on this vessel as well as on mine. When we were approaching a beam of Buoy Ruytengen the ARPA indicated that approaching tanker started to alter the course to port with a goal to cross our way on bow with CPA 0.5 cables. We called tanker by VHF and OOW (or maybe the Master) confirmed his maneuver to cross our way at a distance of 0.5 cables and added that «everything is under control». We had to alter to port until the tanker was on our starboard bow, and then after passing to return gradually to the original course.
Faithfully yours,
Captain of tanker «TARRAGONA»