What is better for us? Home remedies, conventional medicine or modern technologies?

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Марта 2012 в 15:16, сочинение

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To my mind, this question is hard to answer. Tastes differ, so nowadays you can find the followers of each areas.
The main difference between home remedies and conventional medicine is that the latter is too concerned with treating the symptoms of disease by scientific techniques and technology instead of treating the whole person and the cause of disease.

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What is better for us? Home remedies, conventional medicine or modern technologies?

To my mind, this question is hard to answer. Tastes differ, so nowadays you can find the followers of each areas.

The main difference between home remedies and conventional medicine is that the latter is too concerned with treating the symptoms of disease by scientific techniques and technology instead of treating the whole person and the cause of disease. On the other hand, alternative medicine (home remedy) puts much emphasis upon the prevention of disease and seeks to treat the whole person so as to strengthen the immune system to bring about a stable healing.

A home remedy is a treatment to cure a disease that employs certain spices, vegetables, or other common items. It comprises unscientific knowledge. They were developed over generations within various societies. One of the most popular examples of a home remedy is the use of chicken soup to treat infections such as cold or mild flu. And actually, this may be effective.

I think this kind of medicine can be helpful when you have insignificant diseases. But when you deal with something more serious, you'd better consult the doctor and appeal to conventional medicine.

But for the last few years the interest in Alternative Medicine has increased. People use it when they had tried everything to get better but it didn't help. Their last hope!

Besides, we should thank new technologies that develop our medicine. They give us Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), different researches on how molecular imaging can be used to solve mysteries about difficult cases of breast cancer, portable ‘brain cooler’ that could help save the lives of many cardiac patients for whom current treatment is ineffective.

The choice is up to your!

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