Топики по теме "Медицина"

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Illnesses and their treatment. Doctors.doc

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Illnesses and their treatment. Doctors. 

Through the whole history of the humanity, they have always been suffering from some illnesses. By the 21st century, people had invented or found the cure for different diseases. The doctors know to defeat the “enemy” we should know his face. That’s why in all kind of medical academies and colleges students pay a plenty of their attention to study the symptoms ant treatment of diseases. It is not an easy task. Thousands of human diseases and condition exist.  

There are lots of germs and viruses, which can cause illnesses. These illnesses are called infections. Very different diseases may be referred to this group, Typhoid fever, Chicken pox, Hepatitis, Whooping-cough, Malaria, Meningitis, Scarlet fever, Cholera, Plague, Bronchitis. However, all of them have the same symptom – fever.  

The flu and the common cold are the most widespread diseases of the kind. Millions of people contract them each year. Their viruses affect the respiratory system, that’s why the symptoms are a runny or stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, tiredness. In its early stages, the common cold sometimes is confused with influenza because both affect similar parts of the body, but the flu is more severe, lasts longer, and can cause dangerous, even fatal, complications. So, if you have high fever you’d better see your doctor. The general practitioner will sound your chest, look at your throat and may ask you to have your blood tested. The best treatment for cold and flu is staying in bed for sometime, times cures all in this case is almost true.  

Pneumonia is also dangerous infection of the lungs. It often is a complication of the flu. Be careful with you heath, necessarily consult the doctor if you have flu longer than a week, you cough your head off and you can’t bring down the fiver with usual medicines. Pneumonia is difficultly treats at home. Without the treatment, it may be a fatal disease. At hospital the infectionist will have your chest x-rayed, to make sure what you have. If you realy have pneumonia you will undergo a course of special treatment, which consist of antibiotics (injections or pills), expectorations, vitamins (to make your immune stronger) also it includes physiotherapy and massage. The doctor will promise you full recovery within one or two month. 

Don’t think infections may affect only the respiratory system. This system is vulnerable to the infection, but there are many ways to catch the disease except through the air. As for example, it can be Rabies. This malady transmitted with the saliva of the bite of a sick animal.  Often they are infected cats and dogs. The disease is incurable, but there is a vaccine that is injected intramuscularly. Nevertheless, it will help only if the person was infected recently and the first symptoms have not come yet. If you were bitten, you should wash the bite with soap and contact a physician or neuropathologist who prescribe some medicine for you. But you need to act quickly, you cannot lose a minute. 

There are also illnesses, which are usually affect children. Many of them also are infectious. Chicken pox is usually starts with skin rash on the body and head and become itchy. It heals without scarring. It spread easily through coughing or sneezing of ill persons or through direct contact with secretions from the rash. Chickenpox is also marked by nausea, fever, headache, sore throat, pain in both ears, swollen face, and anorexia. The pediatrician will prescribe you to stay at home while you are infectious to avoid spreading the disease to others. Chicken pox treatment mainly consists of easing the symptoms as there is no actual cure of the condition. The immune system clears the virus from the body.  

The common children’s disease is Measles, which is best known for the rash of large, flat, red blotches that appear on the arms, face, neck, and body. It is easy spread through the air among people who people who have not been immunized against it. The measles rash typically begins on the forehead. The rash appears two to four days after the onset of illness then the fever rises. During this time, the patient looks and feels very ill. Symptoms improve soon after the rash has traveled down to the legs and feet, usually accompanied by a rapid drop in temperature. As the rash disappears, the skin may temporarily look brown, dry, and flaky. Measles well treats at home by having plenty of rest and fluids.  

However, not all illnesses finish so cheerfully. The ailments, which are called chronic conditions, are never cured off; we can only stop the progression of the disease. Humans are born with some of these diseases; others appear in childhood or in adulthood.  

Asthma is one of such conditions. Asthma is a condition that causes episodic breathing difficulties. These episodes are caused by narrowed and inflamed airways of the lungs. There are two main kinds of asthma triggers: allergic and non-allergic triggers. Examples of allergens that may trigger asthma are pollens, molds, animal dander (small scales from fur or feathers), dust mites, cockroaches, and certain foods and medicines. The second kind of asthma trigger is called an environmental or non-allergic trigger. Irritating substances in the air, such as tobacco smoke, wood smoke, fresh paint, cleaning products, perfumes, workplace chemicals, and air pollution can trigger or make asthma worse. The most common symptoms of asthma are the shortness of breath, coughing, particularly if it lasts longer than a week, wheezing (whistling sounds made when breathing out) and a feeling of tightness or discomfort in the chest.  To diagnose asthma the doctor will perform a physical checkup and ask questions about symptoms and when they occur. In addition, the doctor may do various tests to help identify asthma and its causes. They are allergy test, the chest x-ray and the lung function test. Asthma treats with special medicines; usually the patient uses a metered dose inhaler to deliver medication to his lungs. They should take their medicines for the rest of their lives.  

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condition in which the pressure of blood in the arteries is above normal. It also is a chronic condition. Hypertension is not contagious and cannot be caught or passed from one person to another. This ailment is more common with old people. Hypertension rarely causes symptoms by itself. When it does, the blood pressure usually is extremely high. Symptoms may then include headache, nosebleeds, dizziness, confusion. To be sure, with diagnosis the doctor will ask you to have you blood pressure tested several times a day during the week. In addition, he will ask you about your eating and exercising habits. He also will be interested if some of your relatives have or had hypertension, because it is a genetic disease. The treatment includes not only taking special medicines, but also improving you eating habits.  

Another group of diseases is fatal diseases. By the name of the group, it is clear that people can die from these diseases. These diseases include rabies, cholera, malaria, cancer, plague, typhus and others. However, not all of these diseases are incurable. If you see a doctor early and follow his advice, then the probability of recovery will be higher. Some of these diseases are treated with special vaccination, such as rabies, cholera, and antibiotics, such as typhoid and plague. But there are diseases from which there is no cure, and some medications can only slow down its development. This applies to cancer, diabetes and HIV. A doctor may prescribe a special chemotherapy and delivery of various tests and that is all that he can do. 

The last group includes diseases, requiring surgery, which means that conventional medicine can not help in this case. Rupture, cyst, abscess are requiring immediate surgery. If a tumor hasn’t been removed, it can hit healthy tissue and lead to complications. After an operation which was made properly by the surgeon, the patient will feel much better and will be able to return to the normal rhythm of life, after several weeks of rest. 

There are many doctors, to whom we turn with these or that health problems. For example, if we have problems with our heart or blood pressure we go to a cardiologist, he will measure our pressure and will send us to an electrocardiogram. If we have problems with the skin, the dermatologist must be able to help. He will advise to do a skin test for the presence of disease, and deliver a detailed chemical analysis of blood. If you have problems with digestion organs, we go to a gastroenterologist, who may appoint us to do an ultrasound or X-rays. If a woman has a problem with the sexual organs, it refers to a gynecologist, and the man in this case goes to the urologist. These doctors appoint ultrasound to detect the disease. Neurologist and neuropathologist can help people with diseases of the nervous system. A psychotherapist and a psychologist treat mental illnesses. A rheumatologist treats problems with bones, and an otolaryngologist deals with the eyes. A plastic surgeon will help a person to change what he does not like in his appearance.

When we come to a GP having a cold we have our blood pressure tested. The doctor listens to our breath. If he considers it necessary, he can send us to do an X-ray or ultrasound to check the internal organs, have the a complete blood count, urine and feces tests.  

A visit to a doctor. 

One of the most valuable and important thing for a man is his health. All of us try to safe it in many ways we considered to be right. However, nobody can avoid visiting a doctor if he likes to be sure everything is right with his health. 

People have lots of reasons to see their doctors. The check-up is the less troublesome, a sudden pain is more unpleasant. 

It doesn’t matter way your reason is first of all you will go to the registry. There you will make an appointment to your doctor. In our country, there is a rule: before you see any specialist, you have to consult with your physician.  

You should wait your time in the waiting room. When your name is called you can come in. First of all the doctor will ask your name to find your case history. The case history is a small book where all your diseases, conditions and their symptoms, complications and treatment are written. The doctor will look thought it to refresh information about you. After it he will ask what is the matter with you. The doctor will listen carefully, ask some questions and write down all in your case history. Then he will examine you. Usually you should strip till the waist. The doctor will sound your chest, pat you over your body, take your pulse, test your blood pressure, look at your tongue. If he will be not sure you are all right, he will ask you to be x-rayed, to have your blood and urine tested.  

If you are all right, you may go home. In case the physician has diagnosed something with you he will prescribe you a special treatment. It can include taking pills, getting injections, physiotherapy and having a rest. You also can get a sick leave, which gives you an opportunity to stay at home for some time instead working as usual. 

However there are some cases when a physician can’t help, and he asks you to consult with some doctors who specialized is treatment particular diseases. For example, if we have problems with our heart or blood pressure we go to a cardiologist, he will measure our pressure and will send us to an electrocardiogram. If we have problems with the skin, the dermatologist must be able to help. He will advise to do a skin test for the presence of disease, and deliver a detailed chemical analysis of blood. If you have problems with digestion organs, we go to a gastroenterologist, who may appoint us to do an ultrasound or X-rays. If a woman has a problem with the sexual organs, it refers to a gynecologist, and the man in this case goes to the urologist. These doctors appoint ultrasound to detect the disease. Neurologist and neuropathologist can help people with diseases of the nervous system. Mental illnesses are treated by a psychotherapist and a psychologist. Problems with bones are treated by a rheumatologist, and an otolaryngologist deals with the eyes. 

But, if your case is too serious and needs an operation or difficultly treats at home, doctor will advise you to be taken to the hospital. Patients who are treated at the hospital are called in-patient.  

You should be at hospital all day for the period the doctor said. There you have a special case history. The doctor every day makes a round. He examines quickly his every patient, writes down his or her symptoms, and writes out the treatment. Nurses should perform this or that treatment.  

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