The War of the Roses & Robin HOOD ballads

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 03 Ноября 2012 в 01:26, реферат

Краткое описание

The War of the Roses was a terribly destructive, long-lasting, civil war in England between two families with rival claims to the throne, the Yorks and the Lancasters. Its net result was to kill off almost all the direct claimants to the throne on either side of the royal family, wreak havoc and destruction, turn long term resentments into blood-feuds, and bring the entire Plantagenet line, which had ruled England for over 300 years, to an ignominious end. Furthermore, in terms of convoluted plot twists, reversals, treachery, shifting alliances, military setbacks, and 'surprise' endings, it has few parallels in history. In other words, it is not an easy war to follow either in terms of alliances, or military progress.

Содержание работы

1.The Война роз ........................................................................... .......
1,1 Этап I: поражение и изгнание Ланкастеров: 1453-1464 ........................ ................ 3-5
1,2 Этап II: Восстание 1471-Уорвик ...................................................... 6-7 ...
1,3 Этап III: 1485-узурпатора Ричарда III против Генриха Тюдора ................................ ........... 7 - 9
2. Английские баллады и народные песни ................................................................... 10-11
3. Робин Гуд баллады ..................................................................... ....... 12-13
3,1 Barnsdale и Шервуд .................................................................. ...... 14
3,2 ранних балладах ..................................................................... ............ 15

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