The house of my dream

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Марта 2012 в 16:57, доклад

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I never dreamed of super unusual house, but I imagine it. This should be very comfortable and original house in the countryside, away from city noise. I think it won’t be floating, flying or underground home, because I don’t like crazy houses and I’d rather stay in one place. I pref

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The house of my dreams.


I never dreamed of super unusual house, but I imagine it. This should be very comfortable and original house in the countryside, away from city noise. I think it won’t be floating, flying or underground home, because I don’t like crazy houses and I’d rather stay in one place. I prefer the classic design, and my dream house will be black and white with large windows, glass doors and a huge swimming pool. Of course, it will be a very well-designed huge house of unusual form, which will be a lot of rooms, because I prefer big home to small. My don’t very crazy house will have three floors and I think it will be modern and equipped with the latest technology. This is perfect house is my “crazy” house.  And I hope in future I will have exactly the house.



























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