The criminal law

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 01 Декабря 2011 в 19:37, доклад

Краткое описание

The criminal law is accepted by the supreme bodies of the government the regulatory legal act which norms establish the basis and criminal liability principles, define, what dangerous to the person, societies or the act states admit crimes, both what kinds of punishments and other measures of criminally-legal character for them follow.

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     The criminal law 

     The criminal law is accepted by the supreme bodies of the government the regulatory legal act which norms establish the basis and criminal liability principles, define, what dangerous to the person, societies or the act states admit crimes, both what kinds of punishments and other measures of criminally-legal character for them follow. Signs of the criminal law:

      1. The criminal law is a federal law. According to the Federal contract on differentiation of subjects of conducting and powers between public authorities of the Russian Federation and authorities of subjects of the Federation, textually included in the Constitution of Russia, the criminal legislation it is carried to conducting federal authorities. According to Constitution item 76 in subjects of conducting the Russian Federation federal constitutional laws and federal laws which have direct action in all territory of the Russian Federation are passed. Federal constitutional laws are accepted on the questions provided by the Constitution. On all other questions carried to conducting of federal public authorities including on criminally-legal, federal laws are passed. No other bodies have the right to accept criminally-legal certificates. The criminal law, as well as any other federal certificate, shouldn't contradict the Constitution. Thus, the Criminal code of the Russian Federation (УК) is the federal law having validity in territory of all Russia.

     2. The criminal law is accepted by the government supreme bodies on the procedure strictly regulated by the Constitution. The law is accepted by the State Duma by a majority of votes from total number of its deputies. The laws passed by the Duma within five days are left the Federation Council. The law is considered the approved Council if for it has voted more than half from total number of members of this chamber or if it hasn't been considered within fourteen days or if as a result of repeated voting by the qualified majority of votes (two thirds) the Duma has overcome a deviation the Federation Council of the given law. The passed law within five days goes to the President of the Russian Federation. The president within fourteen days signs and will publish it according to the Federal law from June, 14th, 1994 № 5-FZ "About an order of publication and coming into force of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, certificates of chambers of Federal Meeting".

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