Strategic Management and Planning at a Level of Firm

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Января 2012 в 03:33, реферат

Краткое описание

The problem of the enterprise will be to master the new markets, to satisfy needs of clients. Simultaneously she is also a problem of a management, management. Successes and failures of the enterprise is first of all successes and failures of management. If the enterprise works badly, unprofitably, his new owner changes not workers, and a management.

Содержание работы

1. Essence, functions of strategic planning
2. The purposes of the organization
3. An estimation and the analysis of an environment
4. Administrative research of internal factors of firm
5. Studying strategic alternatives and a choice of strategy

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Strategic Management and Planning at a Level of Firm.doc

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Formation of strategy of firm as a whole gets the increasing value. It concerns prioritetnosti decided problems, definition of structure of firm, validity of capital investments, coordination and integration of strategy.


For the enterprise of any pattern of ownership and any scales of economic activities management of economic activities, definition of strategy, and as planning is essential. Now heads of the enterprises are compelled to make economic decisions in conditions of uncertainty of consequences of such decisions, besides at lack of economic, commercial knowledge and a practical operational experience of new conditions.

Many economic zones in which the enterprises work, are characterized by the raised risk since there is no sufficient knowledge of behaviour of consumers, positions of competitors, about a correct choice of partners, there are no reliable sources of reception of commercial and other information. Except for that many managers do not have experience in management of firms in market conditions. In marketing activity of the enterprises there is a set of problems. Heads of the enterprises making final or intermediate production, feel restrictions on the part of solvent demand of the population and enterprises-consumers. The question of selling has come in sphere of the direct control of a management of the enterprises. As a rule, state enterprises had no and have no qualified employees of service of selling. Now almost all the enterprises have realized importance of the marketing program. The majority of them should solve tactical questions since many have already faced a problem of overstocking of warehouses the production and sharp falling of demand for it. Has remained strategy of selling of production in the market is not clear. Trying to change the assortment, many enterprises making products of industrial purpose, start to pass to consumer goods. If production of industrial purpose in some cases of the enterprise develop also the divisions consuming this production is issued. Reconstructing assortment, the enterprises began to predict beforehand selling and to find consumers of production.

Heads at a choice of consumers take into account: direct contact, communication with the end user, solvency of the customer. For the enterprise search of new consumers, development of the new markets (the part of heads searches new consumers independently) became rather actual.

Also the new phenomenon - mutual relations of the enterprises with new commercial structures which frequently are engaged in realization of a part of production of the enterprise is noticed, and other part comes true on old channels. Besides the enterprise can address to firm on all complicated questions of maintenance of manufacture.

Thus, management and strategic management of activity of the enterprise are necessary in any sphere of economic activities.


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2. Gerchikova, the textbook for high schools. M.: „Banks and stock exchanges“, 1994.

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4. Ljubinova N.G. / „Management - a way to success“. M.: IN Agropromizdat, 1992.

5. V.Hojer./ „How to do business in Europe“. M.: Publishing house " Progress ", 1990.

6. Modern management: „Principles and rules“. / N.Novgorod, IKCHP, 1992.

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