Quantifiers and their ways of use

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Мая 2013 в 09:18, курсовая работа

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English is an international language and now it is the most widely used language in the world. It is spoken as a first , second and official language by a majority of the inhabitants of nations, including United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Germany, New Zealand and many other countries. And English is also popular in our country. A majority of people try to learn and try to speak in English. Some people learn through conversations and some people prefer to learn through grammar. Of course, learning any foreign language is interesting and fun but it takes a long time and patient. We should consider all their grammatical and speech rules. And my Course Paper deals with one aspect of English Grammar.

Содержание работы

1. Introduction 3

2. Chapter 1. General information about Noun and Quantifiers 5

2.1. Noun: Countable and uncountable Nouns 8
2.2. Quantifiers used with Countable Nouns 10
2.3. Quantifiers used with Uncountable Nouns 11
2.4. Quantifiers used with countable and uncountable nouns 12

3. Chapter 2. Examples with Quantifiers taken from the works of 13
American and English writers

3.1. Quantifiers in dialogues 15
3.2. Quantifiers in real life (expressions / phrases) 17
3.3. Comparative Analyses of rendering quantifiers into Russian 20
and English languages

4. Conclusion 25

5. Bibliography

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kursovaya 4course.doc

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14.  www.google.ru;

15.  www.english-online.org.uk;




Информация о работе Quantifiers and their ways of use