Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 29 Ноября 2011 в 15:32, сочинение
As we all know, living in a foreign country is not an easy thing. we may have many problems but no friends or relatives can give us a help, because everything there is unfamiliar to us.
Living in a Foreign Country
As we all know, living in a foreign country is not an easy thing, we may have many problems but no friends or relatives can give us a help, because everything there is unfamiliar to us. It will take us much time to get used to it. Thousands of people emigrate annually. The reasons for emigration are quite different: political or religious persecution, poverty, awful living conditions, climate and many more. But the fact is that people take the plunge in search of better life. I'm sure that living in a foreign country can be rather interesting. I don't approve living in a foreign country for a long time. I prefer to go to on English-speaking country, for example Canada, nearly for a year to improve the language, to know more about its culture and may be to have an interesting and well-paid job. And I think living in another country can also help to learn more about yourself. But I suppose I wouldn't feel at home there. So I guess that saying "Home, Sweet Home" has a stronger meaning than meets the eye!
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