Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Февраля 2012 в 15:23, статья
Key-words: the law terms, "legal homonyms", a domicile, the jural facts, the misinterpretation, the distortion. The language of law has its own content and a set of specific characteristics which vary depending on a language system. However, the major part of its distinctive features and peculiarities are explained by the influence of historical, cultural, social and political factors on the language community.
Lexical peculiarities of translating English legal terminology
Key-words: the law terms, "legal homonyms", a domicile, the jural facts, the misinterpretation, the distortion. The language of law has its own content and a set of specific characteristics which vary depending on a language system. However, the major part of its distinctive features and peculiarities are explained by the influence of historical, cultural, social and political factors on the language community. The English legal language is characterized by a specific set of terms. First of all, it comprises numerous Latin words and phrases (ex. lex loci actus-закон місця здійснення (укладання) акту, res gestae-обставина, пов'язана із суттю спірного питання, corpus delicti-склад злочину, lex domicilii- закон доміциля, etc.). It also has words of the Old and Middle English origin, including compounds which are no longer in common usage (aforesaid, hereinabove, hereafter, whereby, etc.). Besides, the English legal language includes a large amount of words derived from French (appeal-право апеляції, plaintiff-позивач, tort-цивільне правопорушення,делікт, lien-заставне право, estoppel-процесуальний відвід, verdict-рішення присяжних,вердикт etc.). The language of law also uses formal and ceremonial words (I do solemnly swear-Я урочисто клянусь, Your Honour- Ваша Честь, May it please the court-З вашого дозволу...) and technical terms with precise meanings (defendant-відповідач, negligence-халатність, bail-застава etc.). Thus, the present content of the English language of law is due to the influence of different languages and that has a historical explanation [2 p.187 ]. Considering Ukrainian legal terminology, we should keep in mind that it comprises fewer borrowings and compounds than the English one. At the same time, contemporary Ukrainian legal language has been enriched by the new law terms derived from English (лізинг-leasing, антитрестівський - antitrust, корпоративний - corporate, факторинг - factoring etc.) [1]. In a legal context the words has a completely different meaning than in everyday usage. The presence of such "legal homonyms" is one of the most serious difficulties faced by experts in translating legal documents. For example, the word "assignment", which is usually translated as "завдання, призначення" in the legal text has a meaning of "перевідступлення прав". In English,the modal verb "shall" usually expresses the future tense, while in the legal texts it used to express a command or an obligation. For example, "The Parties shall take the necessary measures to ..." («Сторони зобов’язані вжити необхідні заходи..."). The legal phrase "the party domiciled abroad" is not equal to its ukrainian translation «сторона, що проживає за кордоном». The correct way to express the same meaning in ukrainian legal terminology will be «сторона, доміцильована за кордоном». It should be noted that a domicile as a legal term means "a place of permanent living" (if an individual is implied) or "a seat of a corporation /a principle place of business" (if juridical person is implied), while the general meaning of this word is "a place where someone lives" [1]. Besides, as the legal term party (сторона) implies either an individual person or juridical person/entity involved in a legal agreement or dispute, the second way of incorrect translation mentioned above relates only to an individual person and hence, is unequal to the legal term used in the source text. Inadequate translation obviously may influence on the objective evaluation of jural facts. Adequacy of the legal translation is mostly achieved by following the principal rules of legal terminology in the target language. While translating it is important to know the legal terminology in both languages. The substitution of a legal term of the source text by its synonym in the target language may result in misinterpretation in terms of law. The distortion of a meaning of a law term may influence upon legal consequences.
1.BBC English Dictionary. – Harper Collins Publisher, Ltd. London, 1992
2.Ivanova L.I., Sheberstova T.B. The Peculiarities of the English Legal Term and Their Reflection in Translation //The Problems of Intercultural Communication,ISUCT Press: Ivanovo, 2000.
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