Использование мобильных телефонов в наши дни

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Декабря 2012 в 17:00, контрольная работа

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n our days people can't live without mobile phones. We are always calling our friends, parents, somebody from work and so on. But is it really important in our life?
However in my opinion like most things it has both advantages and disadvantages.

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Kamardina Ksenia, 241 group.


In our days people can't live without mobile phones. We are always calling our friends, parents, somebody from work and so on. But is it really important in our life?

However in my opinion like most things it has both advantages and disadvantages.

On the plus side:

    • First of all mobile phones make our life easier. You can call anyone the right person from any place on the planet.
    • A second point is that mobile phones are your little world. In it you can store your notes, phone numbers, and addresses.
    • Also mobile phones are your PDA. If you connecting online, then you can always check your mail and social networks.
    • In addition to this mobile phones are small. You can take it with you on any trip and stay in touch. And your phone doesn't take much space. :)
    • Last but not least mobile phones are your little game center. When you sit in the queue and you have nothing to do - you can play games.


On the minus side:

    • Firstly mobile phones are bad for your health. Scientists say that radiation from the phone is very harmful to us.
    • Secondly mobile phones can be time consuming. When you depend on social networks and you can not break away from the communication, then you aren't listening to the teacher in class.
    • Another point is that mobile phones are not very reliable. You can lose your phone and lose all important information.
    • A final and very important point is that mobile phones are not real life. Phone deprives us of the live communication. We lose real smile and feelings.



Overall, to my mind using mobile phones in our days is a good thing. You can call your friends and meet them everywhere you want. It’s easier!





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