Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 03 Августа 2011 в 23:09, научная работа
Though since recently, hybrid cars are having acceptable technical parameters. Until now, hybrid cars have been basically using traditional internal combustion engines, either working on diesel or gasoline, due to their state-of-the art nature and relatively high thermal efficiency. However, when analyzing engine operation modes in hybrid cars, and more particularly, their ability to operate in an optimal mode, a gas turbine usually comes to mind, which is comparable to other thermal engines due to its exceptional technical properties. Determining its performance in hybrid cars in terms of fuel economy alone is technically incorrect, since all aspects of this technical solution shall be taken into account.
Pilot fuel consumption rates for urban traffic in terms of effective efficiency
to Table 3, gas turbine is comparable to fuel engines in terms of fuel
consumption rates. To achieve the level of diesel engines, specific
fuel consumptions shall be reduced down to 7-8 grams, which is just
3%. According to the results obtained for effective efficiency, this
parameter shall be 2% higher to be on par with gasoline engines, and
6% higher to be on par with diesel engines. Judging by the latest achievements
of gas turbine design and technologies [6, 7, 8 and 10], this can be
implemented in the near future. Also, it should be noted that lightweight
hybrid cars are saving about 0.5 liter of fuel per each 100 km versus
gasoline engines and nearly 0.35 liter versus diesel engines due to
lower total weight alone. It is also important that according to [9],
effective efficiency or electrical efficiency of light-duty diesel engines
(30-50 kW) never exceeds 30%. While assuming this value in our calculations,
it is clear that weight performance of a gas turbine out weights the
losses related to piston engine thermal ratio.
топливной экономичности
газовых турбин в
гибридных автомобилях
Бен Хаим, М. Бранд,
О.Г. Гелашвили, Н.В. Навадзе
В последнее время гибридные автомобили
характеризуются довольно приемлемыми
техническими параметрами, однако по нашему
мнению имеется значительный резерв их
повышения за счет применения газовых
турбин в качестве основного источника
энергии. В гибридных автомобилях до сегодняшних
дней в основном, применяют обычные
двигатели внутреннего сгорания, дизели
или бензиновые принимая ввиду, их современный
уровень развития и относительно высокий
термический к.п.д. Однако, при анализе
режимов работы двигателей именно в гибридных
автомобилях и особенно то, что двигатель
может работать в оптимальном для него
режиме, невольно вспоминается газовая
турбина, которая может составить конкуренцию
другим выдам тепловых двигателей, благодаря
ее особых технических характеристик.
Судить об эффективности ее использования
в гибридных автомобилях только по критерию
топливной экономичности технически не
корректно и следует принимать во внимание
все аспекты такого технического решения.
В данной работе сделана попытка на
основе системного анализа оценить эффективность
применения газовых турбин в качестве
основного источника энергии в гибридных
Исследование топливной экономичности газовых турбин в гибридных автомобилях. М. Бен Хаим, М. Бранд, О.Г. Гелашвили, Н. Навадзе. “Проблемы механики“. Тбилиси. 2011, № 1 (42), с. - , (Англ.).
последнее время гибридные
Investigation of fuel economy of gas turbine in hybrid cars. M. Ben Chaim, M. Brand, O. Gelashvili, N. Navadze. “Problems of Mechanics”. Tbilisi, 2011, № 1 (42), pp. - , (Engl.).
Though since recently, hybrid cars are having acceptable technical parameters. Until now, hybrid cars have been basically using traditional internal combustion engines, either working on diesel or gasoline, due to their state-of-the art nature and relatively high thermal efficiency. However, when analyzing engine operation modes in hybrid cars, and more particularly, their ability to operate in an optimal mode, a gas turbine usually comes to mind, which is comparable to other thermal engines due to its exceptional technical properties. Determining its performance in hybrid cars in terms of fuel economy alone is technically incorrect, since all aspects of this technical solution shall be taken into account. This paper is an attempt to evaluate the performance of gas turbines as a main source of energy in hybrid cars by means of system analysis. 1 ill. Bibl. 16. Engl.; sum. in Russian.
Информация о работе Investigation of fuel economy of gas turbine in hybrid cars