English (Все времена)

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2012 в 13:36, статья

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Present simple
(ключевые слова: usually, always, often, every day, never)
1. Когда мы говорим о чем-то в общем:
Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
2. Когда что-то постоянно повторяется:

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Present simple

(ключевые слова: usually, always, often, every day, never)

 1.  Когда мы говорим о чем-то в общем:

Nurses look after patients in hospitals.

2. Когда что-то постоянно  повторяется:

I get up at 8 o’clock every morning.

How often do you go to the dentist?

3. Истины, которые уже доказаны:

The earth goes round the sun.

4. Показать что ты  где-то постоянно работаешь/живешь и т.д.

I work in a bank. He works in a shop.

Present continuous

(ключевые слова: still, at the moment, at present, this minute, now)

1. Когда говорим о действии, которое происходит в момент речи:

- Please, don’t make so much noise. I am working.

- Hi, Jane! Are you enjoying the party?

2. I am doing something  = я в середине действия (необязательно в момент речи, оно просто находится в прогрессе):

- I am reading an interesting book at the moment.

- Now I am studying English.

3. Изменяющаяся ситуация:

- The population of the world is rising very fast.

- Is your English getting better?

4. Используется с периодом  времени в которое входит настоящее:

- You`re working hard today.

- Tom isn`t playing football this season.

5. He is idiot (всегда)  and  He is being idiot (в данный момент)


Past simple

(ключевые слова: last week, yesterday, last month, days ago, the other day, long time ago)

Ситуация в прошлом, которая  не связана с настоящим:

- Mr. Edwards died ten years ago.

- Did you go out last night, Tom?


Past present

(ключевые слова: at 6 o’clock yesterday, when my father came, while)

1. Past Progressive (прошедшее прогрессивное), т.е. показывает, что действие продолжается, находится в прогрессе:

Yesterday Tom and Jim played tennis. They began at 10 o'clock and finished at 11 o'clock.

- What were they doing at 10.30 yesterday?

- They were playing tennis (at 10.30)

2. Не показывает нам  закончено действие или нет:

- Tom was cooking dinner.

- He was working.

3. Когда нужно показать, что действие происходило на фоне другого действия:

- Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking dinner.

-  It was raining when I got up this morning.










Present perfect

(ключевые слова: ниже!)

1. Действие произошло  в прошлом, но нам нужен только  результат:

- "Where's your key?" "I don't know. I've lost it." (У меня его сейчас нет)

- He told me his name but I've forgotten it. (Я не могу сейчас вспомнить)

- "Is Sally here?" "No, She's gone out." (Сейчас она вышла)

- I can't find my bag. Have you seen it? (Ты не знаешь, где она сейчас?)

2. Событие которое произошло недавно, нам важен только результат:

- Ow! I've cut my finger. (не важно где и когда, важно, что сейчас имею результат - порезанный палец)

- The police has arrested two men in connection with the robbery.

3. Just, Already, Yet:

- "Would you like something to eat?" "No, thanks. I've just had lunch."

- "Don't forget to post the letter, will you?" "I've already posted it."

- I've written the letter but I haven't posted it yet.

4. Gone (to) – уехал и не вернулся и Been (to) –уехал и вернулся

- Jim is away on holiday. He has gone to Spain (он сейчас находится там или по пути туда)

- Jane is back home from holiday now. She has been to Italy. (была и вернулась)

5. Разговоры про жизненный  опыт:

- Have you ever eaten caviar? (за всю свою жизнь)

- We've never had a car.

- "Have you read "Hamlet"?" "No, I haven't read any of Shakespeare's plays."

6. Период с прошлого по “сейчас” (recently/in the last few days/so far/since breakfast):

- Have you heard from George recently?

- I've met a lot of people in the last few days.

- Everything is going well. We haven't had any problems so far.

- I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. (=с завтрака и до сих пор).

7. Период с прошло по “сейчас”, которое еще не закончилось (today/this week/this year)

- I've drunk four cups of coffee today. (возможно, выпью ещё, т.к. день ещё не закончился).

- Have you had a holyday this year? (от начала года по “сейчас”)

- I haven't seen Tom this morning. (от начала дня по “сейчас”)

8. We use present perfect to say how much, how many:

- How much of that book have you read?

- They have played tennis three times this week.



Present perfect continuous

(ключевые слова: how long, for, since, all day, before)

1. Действие, которое было  в прошлом и закончилось недавно  или прямо сейчас:

- You are out of breath. Have you been running?

- Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?

2. Мы спрашиваем “How long?” для действий которые до сих пор происходят:

- How long have you been learning English? (= you are still learning English)

- He has been watching TV all day. (=Tim is still watching TV)

- How long have you been reading that book?

- They have been playing tennis since 2 o’clock.

3. Действие которое повторяется за определенный период:

- Silvia is a very good tennis player. She has been playing since she was five.

- Every morning they meet in the same café. They have been going there for years.

Доп. Примеры:

Paul is in hospital.

But: He has been in hospital since Monday.

She is waiting for somebody.

But: She has been waiting all morning.












Past Perfect

(ключевые слова: just, already, yet)

Употребляется Past Perfect преимущественно для того, чтобы показать, что какое-то действие произошло раньше другого действия. Обязательно должна быть некоторая точка для сравнения, будь то указание времени или другое действие:


- When we got home last night, we found that somebody had broken into the flat.

- Karen didn't want to come to the cinema with us because she had already seen the film.

- The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He hadn't flown before.

- The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it for weeks.


Never … before:

- Somebody sang a song. I had never heard it before.

- Last year we went to Mexico. We had never been to Mexico before.

- I didn't know who she was. I'd never seen her before.

Past perfect continuous

- I was very tired when I got home. I had been working hard all day.

- It wasn’t raining when we went out. The sun was shining. But it had been raining, so the ground was wet.

- We had been playing tennis for a hour when it started to rain.

- When I arrived, Nastya was waiting for me. She was annoyed because I was late and she had been waiting for a long time.


















(I am doing/I do) / Планируемое будущее время

1. Мы используем планируемое будущее,  когда речь идет о том, что  мы уже запланировали сделать:

- Alex is getting married next month.

- What are you doing on Saturday evening?

- What time is Katya arriving tomorrow?

- He is playing tennis on Friday afternoon.


2. Используем для действий которые только собираемся совершить (go/come/leave):

- I’m going to bed. (now)

- Are you ready? (Yes, I’m coming.)


3. Мы используем “I do” в будущем времени, только когда говорим о расписании чего-то (для транспорта, кино, уроков и т.д. “I do” не подходит для личных договоренностей:

- My train leaves at 5’o clock tomorrow.

- What time does the film start this evening?

- Tomorrow is Wednesday.


Going to (I am going to do)

1. Речь идет о том, что мы  уже решили/намеревались сделать:

- I am just going to make a quick phone call. Can you wait for me?

- I am not going to eat it.

- I am going to play Borderlands 2.


2. Когда мы смотрим на настоящее и можем сказать что произойдет в будущем:

- Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain.

- I feel terrible. I think I’m going to be sick.

- The economic situation is bad now and things are going to get worse.


3. I was going to do something = I intended to do it, but didn’t do it:

- We were going to travel by train, but then we decided to go by car.

- I thought it was going to rain, but it didn’t.

- I was going to cross the road when somebody shouted “Stop!”








Future Simple

1. Мы используем “will”, когда решаем что-то сделать прямо в момент разговора:

-  Oh, I've left the door open. I will go and shut it

- "What would you like to drink?" "I will have a lemonade, please."

- "Did you phone Ann?" "No, I forgot.  I will do it now."


2. Когда предлагаем что-либо  сделать:

- That bag looks heavy. I will help you with it.

- "I need some money." "Don't worry. I will lend you some."


3. Когда соглашаемся  или отказываемся что-нибудь делать:

- "You know that book I lent you? Can I have it back?" "Of course. I will bring it back this afternoon."

- The car will not start. (=the car "refuses" to start)


4. Когда обещаем сделать  что-нибудь:

- Thank you for lending me the money. I will pay you back on Friday.

- I won't tell Tom what you said. I promise.


5. Когда мы пытаемся  предсказать будущее или когда  надеемся что так будет в будущем:

- When they return home they will find a lot of changes.

- Tom won’t pass the exam.

- Where will you be next year? (I will be in Japan)

- When will you know your exam results?


6. Shall I…? / Shall we…? (только с I и We)

- Shall I open the window?

- What shall I do?

- Where shall we have a lunch?













Future Contituous

I will be doing = I will be in the middle of doing it:

- Don’t phone between 7 and 8. We will be having dinner.

- At 10 o’clock tomorrow, she will be in her office. She will be working.

- I will be playing tennis when you come.


Future Perfect

(ключевые слова: by Friday, by 10 o’clock)

Используется для описания действия, которое совершится к определенному моменту в будущем или к началу другого действия в будущем:

- We will have done this work by Friday. (мы сделаем эту работу до пятницы)

- We will have come back home by September. (мы вернемся домой к сентябрю)

- She will have visited ten countries by the time she gets back. (она посетит 10 стран к тому времени как приедет)


Доп. Примеры:

- I'll have been working here for 35 years by the time I retire.

- He'll have already read the report by now. Too late to change it.

- She'll have boarded her plane. It's too late to contact her.


When (while/before/after/as soon as/till) – для вещей, которые точно произойдут:

- What are you going to do while I’m away?

- I will go phone you when I get home.

- Wait here till I come back.

- You will feel better after you have something to eat.

If – для вещей которые возможно произойдут:

- We will get wet if we go out

- I will be angry if it happens again

- If we don’t hurry, we will be late

Информация о работе English (Все времена)