Characteristic of the class

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Декабря 2011 в 13:58, доклад

Краткое описание

In the class of 30 students studying 12 girls and 18 boys, aged - 10 students - born in 1992, 10 students - born in 1993, 10 students - born in 1994. As physical development belong to the main group of physical education classes.

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                    Characteristic of the class  

I. In the class of 30 students studying 12 girls and 18 boys, aged - 10 students - born in 1992, 10 students - born in 1993, 10 students - born in 1994. As physical development belong to the main group of physical education classes. 
II. Socio-psychological parameters and characteristics of family upbringing: For many children in the family - 1 or 2 child family Trifanova B. has 3 children; Rudenko not brought up in an intact family, his father died. Relationships in families between parents and children democracies, parents show interest, concern, and in families Trifanova B. and A. Mokhon'ko parents do not control the upbringing and education, distant from the school, these families are viewed within the family problems and conflicts. 
III. Features of the intra-collective relations students. This year's new - arrived Novohatskaya Allen immediately found friends in the class, understanding. Between the students there are not yet fully formed signs of mutual solidarity, students have different value-oriented tastes. In class students are divided over interests: computer hobby, sports, poetry. In general, students with their parents are learning responsibility, sense of duty (a duty, to help people of old age, socio - useful work). From teachers to build relationships in communication, students have an understanding of the teachers. 
IV. Creativity: actively participate in extracurricular and extra-curricular activities.

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