Спор как форма организации человеческого общения”

Автор работы: i*******************@bk.ru, 26 Ноября 2011 в 15:08, реферат

Краткое описание

Конфликтология как зарождающаяся наука прежде всего опирается на синтез социально-психолого-педагогического знания о закономерностях, принципах, правилах разрешения конфликтов, а также методах их предвосхищения, с тем чтобы лица, в них участвующие, имели наименьшие потери и для себя и для окружающих.
Целью реферата является рассмотрение спора как формы организации человеческого общения.

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Let me introduce myself. My name is Maxim. My surname is Kataev. I was born and always lived in Ноябрьск. I was born in Ноябрьск and have come here to get higher education. So I can say that Yekaterinburg is not my native city. My town is small. It is so far from Yekaterinburg. 

Now I am 21 years old. 2 years ago I finished secondary school № 10 and this year I entered the Ural State University of Railway Transport. So now I am a first-year student of the Economics Faculty. My specialty is Business Economics. 

My favourite subjects at school were mathematics, physical training, social science.

мои любимые  предметы в школе были математика, физическая культура, обществознание. 

Here at the University I also study a lot of new subjects: Information Technologies, Theory of Economics , Accounting. 

Now a few words about my family and work .My family is a small one. There are 3 of us: mother, sister and me. We are very friendly. We spend a lot of time together. We have a pet cat. 

I work a security.

I like the job of a security because salary is quite good. My colleaques are also my friends we work as one team. You may have flexible hours. My work doesn't rule my life. I have  time  for  social  life.

But sometimes I work overtime. Sometimes I work in the evenings and weekends. My work  is  boring  and  not  interesting.

I don't have a lunch-break.

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