Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Января 2012 в 15:47, научная работа
It is no secret that countries have always been involved in active exchange through political, economic and cultural ties. We can hardly remember any country that hasn’t undergone the stages of war, peace-making, trading, etc. All those actions are never done in isolation as almost every state is surrounded with some other ones and it’s absolutely natural that they have been collaborating for centuries.
Introduction 3
Chapter I. Cooperation As an Integral Process
1.1 Goals Pursued by Belarus and Great Britain in Cooperation 5
1.2 Factors Facilitating and Hampering Mutual Cooperation 7
Chapter II. Economic Activities
2.1 Priorities and Avenues of Foreign Economic Activities of Belarus 9
2.2 Economic Outline of Great Britain 12
2.3 Trade and Investment 16
2.4 Belarus Investment Forum in London 19
Chapter III. Spheres of Cooperation
3.1 Political and Military Cooperation 23
3.2 Tourism As an Important Sector in the UK Economy 28
3.3 Belarus Among the Top Ten Travel Destinations 33
3.4 Education 37
3.5 Culture and Sport 39
3.6 Charitable and Humanitarian Cooperation 41
Conclusion 43
Literature 45