Анализ компании Aracruz Celulose (Бразилия)

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Ноября 2012 в 19:56, контрольная работа

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Согласно найденной информации, компании Aracruz Celulose в данный момент не существует. На ее месте, образно говоря, образовалась большая корпорация под наванием Fibria. Новостные сайты в интернете сообщают, что в 2009 произошло официальное слияние компаний Aracruz Celulose и Votorantim Celulose e Papel (VCP), в результате данного слияния образовалась новая компания – Fibria. Генеральным директором новой компании был назначен Карлос Агиар (Carlos Aguiar, глава Aracruz), председателем совета директоров – Жозе Лучиану Пениду (José Luciano Penido, глава VCP). Новая компания Fibria стала иметь общую мощность производства крафт-целлюлозы из твердых сортов древесины 5,7 млн. тонн в год, с фабриками в Бразилии, став, таким образом, крупнейшим производителем целлюлозы в мире. Сайт компании Aracruz Celulose http://www.aracruz.com.br закрыт, поэтому анализ сделан по ныне существующей компании – Fibria.

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Анализ компании Aracruz Celulose (Бразилия).

1. Краткая история  компании  и характеристика международных  экономических операций компании  в течение 1990–2012 гг. 

Согласно найденной информации, компании Aracruz Celulose в данный момент не существует. На ее месте, образно говоря, образовалась большая корпорация под наванием Fibria. Новостные сайты в интернете сообщают, что в 2009 произошло официальное  слияние компаний Aracruz Celulose и Votorantim Celulose e Papel (VCP), в результате данного слияния образовалась новая компания – Fibria. Генеральным директором новой компании был назначен Карлос Агиар (Carlos Aguiar, глава Aracruz), председателем совета директоров – Жозе Лучиану Пениду (José Luciano Penido, глава VCP). Новая компания Fibria стала иметь общую мощность производства крафт-целлюлозы из твердых сортов древесины 5,7 млн. тонн в год, с фабриками в Бразилии, став, таким образом, крупнейшим производителем целлюлозы в мире. Сайт компании Aracruz Celulose http://www.aracruz.com.br  закрыт, поэтому анализ сделан по ныне существующей компании – Fibria.

Ключевые даты в истории  компании:


1967 Aracruz Forestry begins in the Holy Spirit and the first eucalyptus plantations.

1968 Foundation of Aracruz Celulose.

1978 Start-up of first industrial unit of Aracruz, Espirito Santo.

1985 Inauguration of Portocel, only port in Brazil specializing in the shipment of pulp in the Holy Spirit.

1988 Votorantim Group acquired a project in the paper and pulp in Sao Paulo. Foundation of the VCP.

1992 VCP buys the paper Simon

1997 VCP is now operating with exclusive terminal at the Port of Santos.

1999 Inauguration of the plant from Aracruz Wood Products.

2000 VCP shares begin trading on the Stock Exchange of New York. Aracruz entered the controlling stake in Veracel.

2001 VCP acquires 28% stake in Aracruz Celulose.

2002 Start of the third fiber line Aracruz, called "Plant C" in the Holy Spirit.

2004 Aracruz signed the Global Compact.

2005 Departure of Veracel in Bahia, a joint venture between Aracruz and Stora Enso.Aracruz figure in the Dow Jones Sustainability.he roles of VCP becomes part of the Corporate Sustainability Index of BOVESPA.

2006 VCP announced asset swap with International Paper and assumes the Horizon Project in Mato Grosso do Sul

2008 VCP signed the UN Global Compact and included in the Dow Jones Sustainability.VCP and Suzano create Conpacel (Consortium Paulista de Papel e Celulose).

2009 Start of operation of the third berth vessels at Portocel.VCP concludes negotiations for incorporation of the Company.Started the operation of the plant Pondicherry (MS), with production capacity of 1.3 million tons / year of pulp.

2010 Fibria enters the Novo Mercado of the BOVESPA.

2011 Completion of the sale of assets Conpacel and KSR for Suzano. Sale of the Piracicaba Unit Oji Paper.

В моем понимании, ныне существующая компания Fibria была образована на основе Aracruz Celulose в ходе различных слияний. Непосредственно Aracruz Celulose была образована человеком по имени Erling Lorentzen в 1972 году. Lorentzen начал сбор средств от частных инвесторов и государственных источников и начал скупать земли в Эспириту-Санту с целью посадки плантаций эвкалиптов. После того, как «первый урожай был собран» было запущено производство целлюлозы. Компания быстро разрасталась, в 1985 году был построен порт, принадлежащий компании, затем началось строительство второго целлюлозного завода, дополнительного энергоблока и т.д. Дальнейшее развитие можно увидеть по ключевым датам.

Источник: http://www.fibria.com.br/web/en/institucional/historico.htm

2. Отношение топ-менеджмента в лице президента и председателя совета директоров к международным экономическим операциям.

                     Jose Luciano Penido, Chairman of the Board of Directors

 – “Fibria has made an explicit commitment to the future. Helping to build a sustainable society is a precondition of our business strategy. It is a complex and extremely dynamic process, because society, its values and its demands are always evolving. We work in hundreds of locations in different parts of the country, many of which are in quite poor rural areas. Developing and maintaining harmonious relations with so many communities, is vital to the company’s future, but represents a considerable challenge. Our top priority is resolving the social conflicts that persist in certain regions, most of which are the result of the complexity of a country of continental dimensions, such as Brazil. These are issues that end up affecting our social ‘license to operate’, with all the ensuing consequences, involving material losses, certification difficulties and potential damage to our reputation. We know that solutions will take time, because they involve building trust and increasing the breadth and intensity of our discussions with stakeholders. The wealth of knowledge and experience that has been assembled in our Sustainability Committee has provided the management with valuable perspectives and insights to help us attain our objectives.”


Carlos Aguiar, CEО


 – “Fibria’s operations, future growth and market value are intrinsically connected with the issue of sustainability. Maintaining global leadership of such a competitive industry as ours requires a skilled and well-motivated team, good relations with stakeholders, constant innovation and technological upgrading, close attention to costs and the ability, at all times, to grow along with our customers. It is, of necessity, a long term strategy that involves, among other things, the careful use and conservation of natural resources – in our particular case, of renewable forests and the rich biodiversity contained within them. Our forests and mills are located in regions where we are one of the few important economic agents and where there is still so much inequality. This frequently makes us the focal point for community demands, whether they relate to us or not. Building good relations with local communities is one of our top priorities at present, along with seeking ever more intelligent and economic ways to produce. As we grow, we want to be admired for our values and to show respect for individuals and for life in general.”




Fibria Cellulose S.A. is pleased to present here a summary of its Sustainability Report 2009. Although the activities of the company formally commenced on September 1st, this publication reproduces information from the two companies that formed it, Votorantim Cellulose e Papel S.A. (VCP) and Aracruz Cellulose S.A., as from January 1st. Right from the start, as spelled out in the statement of its mission, vision and values, Fibria has assumed a commitment to the best corporate governance and socioenvironmental responsibility practices. The company realizes that as the global leader of a business based on renewable forest resources it has the responsibility to set an example and to maintain a high standard of conduct. We at Fibria know that the pace and complexity of the changes — climate, geopolitical and social — which have intensified in recent years, have made our challenge even greater, and that on our own we will be unable to attain our goal. Hence, this document manifests a summary of actions deriving from efforts to bring together the two companies, but also from our faith in building a future together with our diverse stakeholders. More than showing the accomplishments to date, we are proposing to point out, in a transparent fashion, the shortcomings and the opportunities for improvement in order to intelligently transform them into a learning process and, mostly, a firm determination to get it right. Working towards this end, we have listened to a number of people both inside and outside of the company in interviews that pointed out the topics that merit greater care and attention on our part so for our business to be effectively sustainable. During the process, the interviewees repeatedly voiced their expectation that the company would achieve a high level of economic, social and environmental performance. The observations contain valuable indications about the path we should follow. We have faith in the strength of dialogue and understanding as a means of achieving our purpose and we are committed to follow this course with transparency and strict accountability.


Carlos Augusto Lira                                                       Aguiar Josй Luciano Penido

Chief Executive Officer                                           Chairman of the Board of Directors



2010 was a year of great challenges and important achievements for Fibria. We made progress in our business, thanks to the excellent performance of our production Units and the positive scenario for the global pulp market. We also took further steps to foster an internal culture focused on attaining sustainability. Two 2010 results are worthy of special mention. Firstly, production in our newest mill, the Tres Lagoas Unit in Mato Grosso do Sul State, rose to levels which offset the entire volume lost due to the sale of the Guaiba Unit in 2009, allowing the company to close the year with a total production figure of 5.2 million tons of market pulp, 5.1 million tons of which were sold. Secondly, the gains achieved through capturing synergies between the former Aracruz and Votorantim Cellulose e Paper (VCP). Over 180 opportunities were found to simplify processes and unify the methods of the Commercial, Logistics, Industrial and Forestry areas, yielding savings in excess of R$2.7 billion. In response to new opportunities in the market, we refinanced the derivative debts carried by Aracruz, thereby bringing that chapter to a close. Our efforts in structuring and managing our borrowing enabled the company to achieve a lower cost of capital and to quickly and efficiently bounce back from the financial crisis. This opened the way for the company to obtain an investment grade rating in the near future, which will further help us reduce the cost of our debt, and improve conditions for financing our future growth. With this new freedom to grow, Fibria has initiated projects for expansion and technological upgrading. We are modernizing Fiberline A at the Aracruz Unit, to enhance its

efficiency and investing in the expansion of the forestry base in Mato Grosso do Sul State, where we have already planted 35,000 hectares of trees, in order to supply the operations of a new mill in Tres Lagoas. This should allow us to produce an additional 1.5 million tons of pulp a year by 2014. In Espírito Santo and Bahia States, we have resumed the restoration of plantations of eucalyptus, which was interrupted in 2009, as well as the planting of native vegetation in conservation areas, creating jobs both in the nursery and in forestry management. We also started building a nursery in Helvécia, in the southern Bahia State, which will be able to produce 30 million seedlings a year from 2011. To this end, local residents are being trained to work in construction and as nursery workers, thereby creating 250 direct jobs. This is certainly a project in

alignment with our vision of consolidating the planted forests as a producer of economic value, alongside environmental protection, social inclusion and improved quality of life. Inspired by this vision, in partnership with the Association for the Paraiba Valley Ecological Corridor and other companies, we have launched the Ecological Corridor project in Sгo Paulo State. This is an ambitious initiative to restore 150,000 hectares of native forests. We also extended the Forest Partners program of incentives for farmers to plant eucalyptus, from Rio Grande do Sul State into Sгo Paulo State. During the year, 870,000 hectares of forests managed by Fibria renewed or gain certifications of good forest stewardship. We also calculated our capacity to capture carbon from the atmosphere. The 2010 carbon inventory showed that our eucalyptus plantations capture around 25 million tons of carbon every year. Our forestry, industrial and logistics operations emit approximately 2 million tons of carbon through the burning of fossil fuels, and another 9 million tons are emitted by the burning of biomass to generate energy. Fibria’s carbon balance shows that 3.17 tons of carbon is sequestered for every ton of pulp that is produced. These successes do not diminish the challenges that lie ahead on the pathway towards sustainability. We recognize the importance of continually refining our relations with neighboring communities, particularly those in poorer regions. Land ownership is a critical issue in Brazil, and some of Fibria lands are occupied by members of the Landless Workers’ Movement. We are seeking to resolve this impasse through dialogue. We also continue to face the serious problem of the theft of wood in Bahia and Espírito Santo States, which, in addition to the environmental devastation caused, also involves labor exploitation, including the use of child labor. Action to stop the theft of wood needs to be supplemented by initiatives aimed at the social inclusion of local residents. This is a challenge for our company and all the other businesses within these regions, as well as public authorities and the social sector. As a result we are working on developing partnerships and projects. In the economic and financial sphere, an important decision was made towards the end of 2010, to sell our 50% stake in Consуrcio Paulista de Papel e Cellulose (Conpacel ) and the stationery products distributor KSR, for the combined sum of R$ 1.5 billion. The deal is aligned with our strategy of concentrating the focus of our business on pulp, and should help to further increase Fibria’s liquidity and reduce its debt. Under our commitment to good governance, we joined the BM&FBovespa Novo Mercado. And we are proud that Fibria has been included once again in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI World), linked to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), and the Sгo Paulo Stock Exchange’s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE), as well as being selected as one of the 42 companies making up the Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2), launched by the Sгo Paulo Stock Exchange BM&FBovespa. Additionally, Fibria was named “Most Admired Company in the Sector”, by the magazine Carta Capital, and “Model Company”, by the publication Guia Exame de Sustentabilidade. The company’s Investor Relations team received international

distinctions presented by the magazines IR Magazine Brazil and Institutional Investor. In 2010, we also pushed forward with a variety of programs to enhance quality of life for our employees, always looking to develop in line with Brazilian and international best practices. We thank our customers, shareholders, investors, employees and suppliers for their continued confidence and repeated

support during the course of this year and reaffirm our intention to develop our business so as to be able to make an ever increasing contribution towards a sustainable society.



 In 2011 the global economic downturn started in the last half of the year affected demand and prices of key commodities abroad and mainly exchange rates in Brazil, strongly undermining Fibria’s financial performance as it is mostly an exporter. Fortunately, this negative impact could be partially downplayed by our initiatives early in the year, seeking to cut costs and secure operating excellence. As one of these initiatives, we completed the sale of CONPACEL, KSR and the Piracicaba Unit, thus consolidating the focus on pulp business and nurturing adjustments to our capital structure. We also decided to invest in production processes and in modernization of the installed structure, as in the case of the new bleaching line of Plant A, implemented in the Aracruz Unit in Espírito Santo. We also deepened the exchange of experiences and knowledge of different operating Units, with considerable productivity gains both in forest and in plants. In the second year of Fibria’s activities, we had new and important wins, despite the unfavorable scenario. We were granted the license to install project Teкs Lagoas II, at the Unit located in Mato Grosso do Sul and moved on to develop our forest areas so that we are poised to expand the production as soon as favorable market conditions return. As it comes to technology highlights, our researchers developed new and more productive genetic materials for cultivation of eucalyptus to be introduced in all company plantations beginning 2012. We also developed an unprecedented biotechnological tool for the orest sector targeting the early identification of superior eucalyptus clones, whereby we anticipate projected productivity gains and quality of wood. We were also granted a license to start experiences with not-for-profit genetically modified trees out of our forest areas. In the upcoming years, we will continue to invest in this knowledge realm, in line with our mission as a company – develop the forest business as a renewable and sustainable source of life. We believe that some of Fibria’s key advances in 2011 regard our relations with stakeholders. We developed a closer relationship with the social players of all the regions we are active, either with commitment programs, community meetings, dialogues or regular visits to neighboring communities. In association with INCRA, the government of Bahia and the Landless Workers’ Movement (MST), we developed a Sustainable Settlement project expected to be implemented soon in areas occupied by MST, benefiting more than one thousand families of farms. A similar project developed in association with public entities of Bahia and Espírito Santo, the Territorial Rural Development Program (PDRT) has benefited 760 families of 24 communities self-identified as members of quilombola communities in both states. We will also hold an important meeting in Vitуria (ES), Constructive Dialogues, when we will listen to representatives from various sectors of the society which keep relationship with the company. Still at the relationship level, Fibria played its role as a citizen at various forums over the year. We actively participated in all the important debates and decisions involving the entities we are a member of, and national and international corporate and industrial associations. An example was our participation in the Brazilian Forest Dialogue, which designed and presented to congressmen a bill including 16 points on the Forest Code, in the name of companies of the industry and environmental NGOs. At the international level, a highlight was the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), which gathered more than 100 leading global companies in their related industries. We also took part in The Forests Dialogue (TFD) – a global forum on sensitive matters on forest, which brought together representatives from companies, NGOs, indigenous communities and multilateral entities. We continued to seek new certifications for our forest and industrial operations, as in the case of the efforts made at the Aracruz Unit to obtain the certification by the Forest Stewardship Council®. In May, we completed the first stage of the Smart Step program, supervised by the Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification Institute (Imaflora). A highlight of the initiatives seeking environmental conservation was our participation in the Agreement for Restoration of the Atlantic Forest and in the project ecologic Corridor of the Paraiba Valley, whereby the company invests in restoration of native areas in the states it is active, namely SP, ES, BA and MG. In 2011, Fibria

started restoring 3,500 hectares of Atlantic Forest. Up to 2025, we have the challenge to start restoring 40 thousand hectares in own areas with the assistance of local communities, responsible for collecting seeds, keeping community nurseries and monitoring areas being restored, which allows generating income and improving quality of life. During 2011, following a recommendation by our Sustainability Committee and delivering on our long-term commitment, we worked on setting goals for the next 13 years. As a result of successive rounds of discussion over three months, involving 40 professionals of all areas of the organization with the support of specialists from Unisinos, in Rio Grande do Sul, we elected six targets for our sustainable strategy up to 2025.

Worth noting is that all these achievements stemmed from the dedication and talent of our professionals and of all people who closely contributed to meet our objectives. We well know the value of our team and want to keep and develop this asset: in the last year, we intensified therefore the Performance Management process, seeking to recognize talented professionals and prepare

new leaders. We announced the Management Beliefs which should guide the attitudes of all our employees and which will certainly help build a company worthy of people’s admiration. Having a sustainable strategy in place, as it turned out evident in 2011, is especially important at a moment of market downturn. Our profit margins fell in the year as a result of the unfavorable scenario in Europe and in the United States, still riddled with uncertainties, and repercussion in other economies. All this reaffirms the need for us to widen our competitive edge to keep our leadership in the industry. We are aware that the upcoming years will be very challenging in the global scenario of business in connection with the weakening of traditional pulp markets, crisis in global leadership and climate changes, among other factors. In this scenario, we present the main challenges of each area, as viewed by officers on the following pages. Despite an unfavorable scenario, we believe that Fibria is well set to face these transformations and move on in its way towards sustained growth, sharing richness and being admired for its value. Finally, we would like to say thank you for the confidence of our employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, society and other stakeholders.


Источник: Sustainability Report 2009, 2012, 2011.

Marcelo Castelli, главный исполнительный директор Fibria, положительно относится как к внешнеторговым, так и к инвестиционным международным экономическим операциям. Что касается его отношения к конкретно своей компании, то учитывая, что компания является крупнейшим целлюлозной компанией в мире , оно не может быть негативным. Fibria имеет много дистрибьюторских центров по всему миру, и 5 офисов на основных рынков потребления: Сан-Паулу ( Штаб ), Пекин, Csomád - Венгрия, Гонконг, Майами и Ньоне , Швейцария.




«Our aim is to develop the renewable forestry business, investing in innovation and obtaining value from the forests, whether from pulp or from alternative uses. We want to generate admired profits, allied to environmental conservation, social inclusion and improved quality of life. Longer-term we might look toward the overseas countries where we already have market share.», said Marcelo Castelli.

Комментарий студента:

Компания Fibria является крупнейшей целлюлозной компанией в мире, имеет предприятия по производству  бумажной продукции на своей территории и много дестрибьюторских центров и офисов за рубежом.

Успешное вложение капитала в инвестиционные и инновационные  проекты позволили компании заметно  снизить себестоимость, повысить качество выпускаемой продукции. Немаловажную роль в успехе компании является территориальная независимость, которая была достигнута за счет строительства своих электростанций компаниями-родителями Votorantim Cellulose и Aracruz Cellulose, что позволила существенно сократить статьи затрат на покупку электроэнергии. Все это избавило компанию от необходимости размещения производства вблизи сырьевых ресурсов и позволило ей выйти на лидирующие позиции в мире среди конкурентов.

Информация о работе Анализ компании Aracruz Celulose (Бразилия)