Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Февраля 2012 в 12:48, дипломная работа
In the first chapter metaphors, their classification, practical use and the methods of their translation have been analyized at the end of which personal theoretical and practical approach to their translation has been offered.
In the second chapter, the methods analyzed in the first one will be defined practically as well as perosonal confirmations to the solutions offered.
In the conclusion final results of experiments and analysis have been cited.
In the list of used literature, the books, manuals, fictions and dictionaries used during the research have been shown in alphabetical order as well as the web-sites of which new information relating to it has been acquired.
Chapter I. General classification of metaphors and theirtranslation from
English into Uzbek
Theoretical background to ancient history of metaphors……..……….6
Metaphor as foundation to modern linguistic science development and their classification…….…………………………………….…………...…11
Metaphors and their classification as a theoretical and practical basis………………………………………………………………………….15
Ways of translating metaphors and problems inflicted in this process………………………………………………………………………12
Chapter II. Analysis of metaphors in literary translationfrom English
into Uzbek................................................................................
2.1. Analysis of metaphors in literature translated from English by
means of Russian…………………..……………………………….……………….20
2.2. Solutions to problems of metaphor translation in literature originally
translated from English into Uzbek…..…………….………………..24
2.3. Equivalence and adequacy in literature translated from
English into Uzbek....................................……........29
The list of the used literature…………………………..................................40